Becoming a godly woman is a battle!  We need daily encouragement from the Bible, which is where 22 Character Traits Of A Godly Woman came from. We are confronted with lies daily that contradict God’s Word about what and who a woman is.  It can be a conflicted journey to fight this battle.   It is, however, a battle worth fighting.

As we approach the character traits of a godly woman, it would be easy to oversimplify the process into some checklist.  That is not my intention.


Biblical Womanhood = FREEDOM

Not a list of things to do or become.


At, the center of life as a child of God is the relationship each one of us has with our Savior.  However, it is important to approach biblical womanhood with the end goal insight which is to glorify God and ENJOY Him! We have to take a look at God’s words to do that.

My CHALLENGE to each one of you is to stop listening to what the world has to say about being a woman and use the only reliable and time-tested source as your guide, the Bible.  It is my sincerest hope that this list will be a help and an encouragement to each of us.  I pray we will be able to see all that God has accomplished in our lives so far and be filled with gratefulness!


I have compiled a list of THE CHARACTER TRAITS of a GODLY WOMAN from the book of Titus chapters 1-3 and also from the book of 1 Timothy chapter 3.




22 Character Traits Of A Godly Woman


1. She is dignified.

2. Not a slanderer or gossip, she speaks evil of no one.

3. Faithful in all things.

4. Sober-minded.

5. She wears respectable apparel.

6. Modest in dress and behavior.

7. She is self-controlled.

8. Ready to do good works.

9. She has a quiet and gentle spirit.

10. Submissive to one’s husband.

11. Reverent behavior.

12. She does not drink much wine.

13. Teaches what is good.

14. Loves her husband and children.

15. A biblical woman is pure.

16. She works at home.

17. Submissive to authorities.

18. Obedient to God’s Word.

19. Avoids quarreling.

20. Shows perfect courtesy to all people.

21. Has nothing to do with irreverent things.

22. Trains herself for godliness.


Now, that is quite a list!  

Do you possess all these qualities?  I sure don’t, not yet.


Remember, you are not alone on this journey!  Christ is your ever-present help as you begin or continue on the path of becoming a godly woman.  One caution, remember this is a process that takes time.   Join me in praying for God to accomplish these qualities in each one of our lives.  We can only do this with God’s help!  Remember God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.  The first step in becoming a godly woman is to repent and acknowledge we are unable to do anything without His power and grace.

Lastly, these beautiful characteristics are worth nothing without love and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  We must be careful to understand and know the source of our ability to display these qualities.  If we proceed in our own strength, our pursuit leads to drudergy and legalism.  When we walk, in the love shown in the gospel and powered by God alone, we are free!


Looking for more information on Biblical Womanhood?




What are your favorite resources besides the Bible that have encouraged you toward godly womanhood?









Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. This is a beautiful list! Thank you so much for investing the time to mine out these precious qualities!

    1. Hi Tehila…thanks for your encouraging comment! I really do enjoy mining for these truths.

  2. What a great list of qualities to aspire to. My prayer is for wisdom to know where and how to improve on these qualities.

    1. I have the same prayer Rolene! Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!

  3. Excellent post Thanks sharing it.

  4. I love your blog… great topics and very encouraging!

    1. I’m so thankful you found your way to The Peaceful Haven, Julie!

  5. Enjoyed the post.

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