5 Fall Flowers That Are NOT Mums. OK, I like Mums, I just don’t love them.  They seem ordinary as every single house adorns itself with them in Autumn.  I do indeed have Mums outside my home as I have never met a flower I didn’t like, however, I don’t want to limit my flower pots to just Mums.  Each of my planters is just as interesting in Autumn as they are in Spring and Summer.  Check out my favorites!

When planting a flower pot, I like to incorporate 5 kinds of flowers for a large planter, 3 for a medium flower pot, and 1 for a small container. Combining flowers is a joyous art form! I try to have a tall, medium, and small(vining type) plant for each container.  This formula has served me well over the years.



5 Fall Flowers That Are NOT Mums





There are 180 species to pick from and some tremendous hybridized Asters as well! These can be directly seeded into the ground or flower pots in the Spring for Fall color.  Seeds are a wonderfully cost-effective way to add color and variety to your garden.



5 fall flowers that are not mums



Growing dahlias in my garden are new to me.  I have only been growing them for the past three years.  Inspiration occurred after years of watching Gardeners World and the beautiful dahlias grown in Great Britain.  I had always heard they were fussy.  Nothing could be further than the truth!  Easy to grow tubers that you plant out after the danger of frost in your area. Dig them up after your first frost and store them in a box in the basement.  There are a plethora of varieties and I am confident you will find at least one you will fall in love with.  More likely hundreds.






They are versatile plants that like cool weather and do very well in the Fall and can also be over-Wintered in some areas of the United States.  To save money plant the pansies in the Spring and then bring them into the cool basement under a basement window.  Don’t forget to water!  Then bring the pots outside again in the Autumn.







It is a herbaceous flowering plant in the sunflower family.  In my area, it blooms from mid-July until frost.  It provides height and color and is a mainstay in my garden.








There are 250 species of this flowering plant!  It is a perennial in the southern half of the country but for northerners, it must be planted annually.  The tall wispy stems dance in the wind and are utterly charming!


Happy Gardening!



What plants do you like to garden with, in Fall?




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Thanks for this nice post. …

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