A little over a year ago I CRASHED!  I have been diagnosed with 7 different autoimmune diseases and in previous years I had only experienced a major flair once before. I had been making it through life uncomfortably, but I had been making it through with God as my strength and my family’s help.  I’m so thankful to be able to share how I am winning the fight against Autoimmune Disease!

A Crash is an autoimmune flair-up that causes your autoimmune numbers to soar and makes it impossible to function.  You may look totally normal on the outside but on the inside, your body is in turmoil!  Inflammation is a curse for the autoimmune suffer. For me, I found myself going to my Rheumatologist every two weeks and getting more blood draws than I care to admit.  More trips to the hospital for the day and more tests!

In the end, the only thing the doctors could do was add more medication. (For the record I am not against medications.  I am thankful for some of the prescription medications I take!)  However, I wanted to go deeper and the doctors were not able to talk about the root causes of the disease.  They only wanted to treat the symptoms.  I don’t blame these excellent doctors at all, they were caring and compassionate people but they just had not been trained to look at the root causes of a disease but rather to treat the symptoms.

Around November of last year, something happened when I was praying to God, He was showing me that I needed to trust Him and follow the principles he had put in place in His Word.  It was such a sweet time with Jesus as he gently showed me the way!

God used people to help me on this journey!  Two friends were key forward to finding the help I needed.  My friend Tamara and my friend Tricia.  Tamara had been on the same journey battling her autoimmune diseases and introduced me to a life-changing book Autoimmune The Cause And The Cure.  My friend Tricia introduced me to the healing properties of essential oils.

Last December I started slowly to feel better by weekly putting into effect the things I was learning in Autoimmune The Cause And The Cure and using an essential oil daily routine.  My numbers started to go down!!




How I Am Winning The Fight Against

Autoimmune Disease




There is HOPE!

We do not have to live this way.

We can change our lives with God’s

guidance and help!



Start reading more about essential oils HERE.


31 Days To A Healthier You

Sign Me Up!


*This post was originally written in 2015, it is now 6 years later and I am doing amazingly well!  I still practice the exact same things!  In the years following this post, I took a Transformational Healing Class at my church that was also critical in my healing journey.  I also take these probiotics now.  Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant!   – Psalm 35:27




What are you doing that is helping you heal from an autoimmune disease?




* This post may contain affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of any essential oils.

Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I’m glad you’re doing so much better! I have run across that book, yet don’t have a copy in my own library. You’ve reminded me that I need to get one! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your well wishes! I am so thankful to God that I am healing!! Thank you for taking the time to comment!!

  2. Im stuggling for 22 years now with a lot of immune sickness
    I am so thankful for your block. I am a Christian and truely believe that Jesus can heal me.. I also believe in organic foods only. Bake my own rusks for morning green tea.
    Now all I can hope for is complete healing by the master healer- Jesus Christ.

  3. Thank you for your comment! I agree with you wholeheartedly…I will be praying for your health! It sounds like we are taking the same path and I can’t wait to see all that God will do!

  4. The best thing about link-ups is that they introduce you to blogs and authors that may have been previously unknown to you. It is very nice to meet you! Like you, I have an autoimmune disease, and have been living with a Lupus diagnosis for 5 years now. Some days are better than others, but the difficult days can definitely try your faith. I look forward to looking into both the book and the use of essential oils. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Letetia,
      Thank you so much for stopping by and for introducing yourself! I have been diagnosed with Lupus 3x now and undiagnosed 3x 🙂 I would love to hear more about your journey…some days are so very hard to make it through…it is nice to know that I am not alone and that others out there share a similar journey. That gives me HOPE!

  5. Oh wow, I can’t even imagine! Hopefully you can find a treatment plan that really works!

    1. Thanks Brittany! God has been guiding me though this journey and is teaching me new things every day! Thank you for your comment.

  6. I needed to read this right now! I have several autoimmune diseases as well. And for the most part I manage, but I started a new treatment and it set me back into a flair up. I am now on steroids trying to get back to baseline. It can be so hard when you feel so hindered by the disease and it causes so much invisible pain. I started to feel sorry for myself, because I feel like the disease takes so much of what makes me, me. I get tired, I constantly cancel plans with loved ones because I just want to stay in and recuperate, I have consistent mental fog, and often feel overwhelmed. I recently bought some frankincense and white fir oils and am hopeful that these will help. Can I ask you what brand of frankincense oil you use and how you use it? I read that it can be hard to find a pure oil that isn’t diluted with the carrier oil.

    I have also started an elimination diet to see what foods are truly bothering me. I cut out all caffeine and carbonated drinks, I try to find all food organic and non-GMO. And I have ordered some pharmaceutical grade 100 billion CFU probiotics. Even though we face challenges that others may not understand, I am hopeful and steadfast in my recovery! Thank you for reminding me of that!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Thank you for your comment and I can completely identify with your feelings about autoimmune disease! Especially the part about having to cancel plans…that is so hard for me! It makes me feel isolated too. I am doing the same as you and I have only had one flair up this year!! I use doTerra essential oils because of their third party testing. For me that was critical because I needed the oils to be absolutely pure so I would not have an allergic reaction. Please let me know if you have more questions. Sending many blessings your way as you journey toward recovery!

  7. Lucky I found this, thanks!

    1. Praying this will be a blessing to you!

  8. Wow, awesome article! Many thanks, awesome!

    1. God is really amazing! Thank you for stopping by The Peaceful Haven!

  9. Thank you, I am keeping the hope!

    1. Yes, please don’t give up HOPE!

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