Let’s be honest, everyone has their own opinion on what should be included in a cottage garden.  I’m so thankful there is room for personal preferences and personality.  I am sure that this is one reason why I love cottage gardening!  I am excited to share with you today, my picks for the 10 Essential Elements of A Cottage Garden.
The Arts and Crafts movement during the late 19th century is often credited with the return to the informal naturalized planting style of the English cottage garden.  And it’s true, great authors such as William Robinson and Gertrude Jekyll helped to popularize and teach others about cottage garden design.  Its origins however come from the necessities of everyday living in the Middle Ages.  The family’s needed a place to grow vegetables for eating, flowers, and herbs for beauty and medicine.  Every plant was of critical importance to the family as a whole.  

10 Essential Elements of A Cottage Garden



Can you ever have enough roses?  My favorite and fail-proof roses come from David Austen.  Plant in threes for maximum impact!  These can also be used as a backbone plant (see below).



Fences and Gates, Walls and Hedges, garden rooms. A low fence or stone wall often encloses the garden and is a vehicle for plantings in the cottage garden!



Plant flowers and vegetables close together and keep the soil healthy.  Mulch well with plenty of compost



Use curving pathways. Your pathways can be gravel, grass, or woodchips. The use of a winding path in the garden will allow for a element of surprise!



Use your imagination and why not try a few twig structures? Lattice, pergolas, benches look charming with climbing plants twisting up walls, trellis, and fences.


Ornamental Edibles

These are basically beautiful vegetables and herbs you can add to your flower border.  Some to consider are kale, chamomile, and tomatoes!


Backbone Plants

Pick one flower per season to shine in your garden and make sure it’s a plant that does well in your growing conditions. Planting in an abundant and rambling way is pure cottage garden style.  Make sure to plant right up to the house or other structures.  



Make sure to check your garden zone and include berry and vegetable plants that you and your family love to eat.  Consider adding some fruit trees.


Classic Cottage Garden Plants

Include common flowering plants for your area, especially fragrant ones, grow in profusion! Add a few classics like Clematis, Peony, and Nepeta to name just a few.  Check out my cottage garden picks HERE!



English cottage gardens are never bare and seldom ugly…

among the things made by man nothing is prettier than an English cottage garden,

and they often teach lessons that the ‘great’ gardeners should learn.

– William Robinson (1838-1935)


If you’re looking for more information about gardening click HERE


If you still want to learn more about cottage gardening then check out my favorite books on the subject! 

Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden: From the Archives of Country Life 

Tasha Tudor’s Garden (I think this is out of print but I found one on amazon!)

The Cottage Garden




What is your favorite cottage garden plant? 




*This post may contain affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven! 

Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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