One of our family’s Christmas Traditions is to choose a ministry or a family in need to give to during the Christmas Season. At a time when so many Americans are suffering because of the economy, we don’t have to go far to see needs all over the place.  This year it might be your neighbor who needs your support.  Either way, here are 25 Christ-Centered Places To Give This Christmas!

Over the years we have been blessed to help support various causes and people close to our hearts.  This year we are giving to Advancing Native Missions. The love of Christ has transformed our hearts. Share that love today with those who need it most by giving a gift from their amazing catalog.  What a joy!




25 Christ-Centered Places To Give This Christmas


1. Give to your local church benevolence fund.

2. Fill up a bag of groceries and deliver it to your local ministry-run Food Pantry.

3.  Every gift in the ANM Gift Catalog delivers the love of Jesus in practical ways. You can give a new Christian their very first Bible, provide a child with the first pair of shoes that truly fit, supply livestock and years of reliable food for a family, or purchase a bicycle for a pastor who walks miles daily. Are you ready to give the gift of the Gospel?

4. Purchase presents for an adult with special needs that do not have a family at your local Adult Disability Home.

5. Local Children’s Hospital

6. Samaritans Purse

7. Prison Ministry Fellowship

8. Purchase Christmas presents for a family that you know is in need.

9.  Send an envelope of money anonymously.

10.  Adopt a child through Compassion International.

11. Send a care package to the missionaries you or your church supports.

12. Make a commitment to pray for the world using Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation (Operation World Set)

13. Buy a homeless guy a sandwich from any fast food restaurant.


Make GIVING a new family

tradition this year!


25 Christ Centered Places To Give This Christmas


14. Make a homemade gift for your neighbors.

15. Go and spend some time talking with the residents of a local senior living facility, while you are at it make sure to share the gospel.

16. Support Voice of the Martyrs this season with your prayers for the persecuted Christians around the world and their families or make a financial donation.

17. Have a home maintenance repair day at a widow’s home that you know.

18. Put together a care package for someone serving in the military. Operation Christmas Spirit

19. Give money to a family who is trying to adopt a baby.  Christian Family Adoptions 

20. Shovel the snow in your neighbor’s driveways and sidewalks.

21. Go on a mission trip to serve the needy in another land.

22. Purchase a cow or a chicken for a needy family through. Advancing Native Missions

23. Welcome International Students into your home this Christmas. International Friendships

24.  Make a decision to support a missionary through prayer or your finances for the year.

25. Provide money to a local ministry that feeds the poor.  Faith Mission


25 Christ Centered Places To Give This Christmas

As you choose gifts, pray for hearts to be transformed, for new believers, for children, for people reading the Bible for the first time, and for missionaries delivering these gifts and the Gospel message.   Free coloring book download available “An Unusual Day at Grandma and Granddaddy’s House” tells the story of four young kids who learned about generosity through a workday at their grandparents’ house, where they earned money to buy gifts from the Gift Catalog for people in need.



What is your favorite ministry to support during the Christmas season?




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I LOVE this list! I wish I could say that we’ve done more of them, but this year we really haven’t done that much. Hopefully we will find a way to change that soon.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Brittany…all in God’s timing!

  2. You have an excellent blog here! Thank you for this amazing list!

    1. Thank you, Aryana! So glad you found this list helpful!

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