I must confess that I love being a homemaker!  It has been the best career I could have imagined and the possibilities for creativity on a daily basis have kept my mind, body, and spirit entertained and occupied these past years.  Being a keeper at home encompasses many areas of home life, I am sure that is why I find it so fulfilling.  There is of course the fact that homemaking has an eternal quality, what your actions are or are not can make a difference for infinity.  I am so excited to share with you 31 Tips From 31 Years Of Homemaking!

I hope this list will get your creative juices flowing and you will be able to see a few new possibilities that just might enrich your life. 


31 Tips From 31 Years Of Homemaking


  1. Start your day with Bible reading and prayer.
  2. When the color of clothes is fading, use Rit dye to renew them.  Especially helpful with black, navy blue, and brown. 
  3. Scrape the bowl clean, the jar clean and the can clean!
  4. Make rest a part of your day.
  5. Have a few freezer meals on hand for an ill friend, a new baby, an unexpected dinner visitor, or just in case you don’t feel like cooking. 
  6. Store your children’s toys in separate storage bins.  Chose one bin at a time and then have them put away before playing with another toy.  Keep a few favorite toys out at all times.
  7. Give yourself the gift of fresh flowers in your home. 
  8. Keep bone broth on hand for quick homemade soups and for when family members are ill.  I use this charming tray table for serving meals in bed!  I love it!
  9. Read something to your children once a day. 
  10. Divide chores into daily tasks.
  11. Purchase fresh produce on sale and in bulk, chop and freeze them for convenience. 
  12. Don’t be ashamed to shop the curb. 
  13. Learn how to plant from seed and take root cuttings to save a ton of money in the garden.
  14. Tell the truth and ask for what you need.
  15. Make your own non-toxic cleaners.
  16. Spend 15 minutes alone with your husband a day.
  17. Have a place for everything in your home and bless someone else with your extras.
  18. Learn how to sew, it will save you a ton of money and bring you pleasure.
  19. Do something you love once a day.
  20. The canning jar is your organizational friend.
  21. Learn what your and your husband’s decor style is.
  22. Know who you are in Christ and know who He created you to be.  Do you know what enneagram type you are?
  23. The thrift store is your best friend. 
  24. Minimize extracurricular activities.
  25. Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle, Renew.
  26. Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. – William Morris quote
  27. Make a commitment not to rush.
  28. Use dark-colored towels and washcloths like grey, black, or navy blue to prevent stains from showing.
  29. Be grateful for the home God has provided for you. 
  30. Immediately put leftovers in single-serving containers after a meal and store them in the freezer so food does not spoil.
  31. Be a lifelong learner



31 Tips From 31 Years Of Homemaking



I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion.
― Jani Ortlund


Your Turn…

What is your favorite homemaking tip?




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I love this post! As far as favorite tips…you covered them all…thrift stores are definitely my best friend!

    1. It sounds like we are twins Johanna! Thank you so much for your comment!

  2. Love this post. I’m new to homemaking journey. I’d say spend 5 minutes each day tidying up an area that needs to be decluttered. Don’t wait until one day to clean, it will never come. But breaking it up into small steps each day is progress.

    Also, enneagram does not align with scripture. Please be careful with new age ideas. The history behind it is quite shocking. There is a lot in this world that alludes to mystism and other spiritual things. Just please be careful.

    1. Thank you so much for your tip and it’s such a good idea to just take 5 minutes. I agree that some of the people involved with promoting the enneagram are absolutely not Christians. As far as my extensive research goes the actual enneagram test is OK but you are right to suggest caution. A Christian Worldview is a must.

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