It’s hard to believe that my daughter is turning 31 in a few weeks’ time.  It’s even harder for me to believe I’ve been an autism mom for that length of time too!  I’ve hit some stony painful lows and I’ve soared on the wings of eagles, but mostly I am so thankful that God gave me and my husband Kylie.  Today, I am happy to be writing, 5 Good Things About Being An Autism Mom!

It’s easy to get lost in the statistics and the research, like the study done on autism moms that states we experience post-traumatic stress disorder at the same rate as combat soldiers.  It’s easy to lose hope.  

I want you to know that you are not just a statistic.  You are seen and heard and known.  Jesus knows what it’s like to suffer and he knows the heights of joy.  He is your ever-present help in times of trouble and he invites you to join him in the awesome journey he has planned for you.  You have been called, you have a purpose, and he will strengthen and guide you in your role as an autism mom. 




5 Good Things About Being An Autism Mom


Life-Long Learner

The things I know about life, as well as all kinds of animals, cat genetics, fairies, Bonobos, dog breeds, atolls, the Pacific Islands, baby names, geography, people groups around the world, and their customs. The list goes on and on and all because I have had the privilege to learn right along with Kylie.  I am thankful for the way she sees the world and what she has taught me about people.  I owe this all to being an autism mom.



I have seen the confusion in Kylie’s eyes, her struggle to understand, and how we often communicate best without saying a word.  She has taught me to have compassion as I understand autism and interact with her.  That compassion has grown and grown into loving her more. That compassion for Kylie and her autism continues to increase my ability to have compassion for others who may be different than me.  Behavior is not always as it seems and often bad behavior is a result of a hurting heart. 


Spiritual Growth

Nothing and I mean nothing has caused as much spiritual growth in me as being an autism mom.  Nothing.  As you can imagine, 31 years ago getting an autism diagnosis was very difficult. It took us 5 years to get a proper diagnosis. It was also still commonplace for doctors to believe that autism was a male disorder.    Another painful reality was that many practitioners still believed it was the mothers’ lack of connection with the child that caused autism.  I’m so thankful that Jesus gave of himself freely to guide and protect me on this journey.  He helped me see joy, and the truth of His Word! 



Kylieisms…I have so many funny stories that I can remember at any given time that I can laugh about! Now, that is a gift.  I can remember one occasion when she could barely speak, she must have been about 6 when we asked her to do something and she said back to us. ” I’m an American, I can do whatever I want to.”  We still don’t know where she got that idea.  Another time, she was in junior high.  On the blackboard was the name Allen.  Kylie mistook the word Allen for Allah.  She exclaimed, “I do believe that the profit Mohommad is coming!”  The teacher, calmly explained that actually, Allen had gotten in trouble and he had his name written on the board.  The teacher called us laughing so hard to tell us about this Kylieism!  The stories we could tell! 


The Patience Of Job

Good character is eternal, it’s one of the few things you can take with you to heaven.  I am still a work in progress but am so thankful for the progress I have made.   Admittedly, developing patience could also be attributed to being a mother of six children. But for today, let’s just credit being an autism mom for having developed the patience of Job! I actually thought I was a patient person, I am a teacher by trade and well, I just thought I was patient.  Enter being a mother of a special needs child and I had to hourly get on my knees and ask God to give me the gift of patience.  I’m not saying this was easy, there were many tears on my part as well as for Kylie but we persevered and we are both so much more patient!


Remember, you are not alone! 


If you are interested in learning more about our family’s journey with autism, you can purchase the book HERE



Your Turn…

Did you learn anything new? 



Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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