Saving Money is one of my hobbies.  I enjoy it and have approached it as a game for many years.  Recently, I listened to an interview with Amanda Steinberg when she said she approached her finances like a video game.  I thought that was a wonderful mindset to have.  Amanda is having fun saving money and not letting finances stress her out.  She is approaching her finances in an intelligent and fun way.  Her new goal is to live on only 50 percent of her income.  That sounds wise to me!  I am excited to share with you, 5 Intelligent Ways To Save Money This Year!

Talking about finances and different ways to save money has an iron-sharpening iron effect.  When we approach the issue together, creativity flows and we can share new and different ways to save money, helping each other in turn.

I would love to hear your personal tips and tricks for saving money.  Make sure to leave a comment below.



5 Intelligent Ways To Save Money This Year


Shop the clearance rack for groceries

Most people do this for items other than food but you can save big by applying the same principle to your groceries.  I have found Kroger to be the best for this approach in my area.  My best deals have been on organic meat that is close to its expiration date.  I take it home to freeze and have saved literally thousands of dollars over the years using this one tip.


Unplug all your electrical outlets before you go to bed at night

You can reduce your electric bill by 10 percent just by unplugging every night.  Of course, don’t unplug your alarm clock or your refrigerator but anything that is not in use is fair game.  Using an energy-efficient power strip makes this task easier.


Check your receipt

My husband is amazing at checking receipts and finding mistakes.  Also, make sure to check the bottom of the receipt for coupons and surveys that you can participate in.  You may even win something.  It only takes a few seconds to double-check your receipts.


Shop CVS’s extra bucks program

CVS has an amazing coupon program and if you are a member of their extra bucks program you can save big.  We save up all-out extra bucks coupons and use them for basically two items.  Dye Free CVS brand Ibuprofen and Burts Bees Lip Balm.  We fill all our prescriptions here so we are always earning extra bucks.


Give up paper products

This will save you tons of money over time and will help the environment too.  I use cloth napkins and cloth dish towels.  The only paper product I purchase is toilet paper!



Please check out more money-saving ideas HERE!



Comment below, what is a money-saving tip you swear by?




*This post may contain affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!


Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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