Part of living a healthy lifestyle is maintaining good emotional health.  I have to be honest, emotional wellness is ever-changing and can be influenced by many contributing factors. Past abuse, unhealthy relationships, poor choices, and the ever-present female hormones can make maintaining one’s emotions time-consuming and difficult.

It is important to understand that poor emotional health is linked to good nutrition and good physical health.  It is hard to “feel good” when you are sick and tired.  As we wade into 5 Ways To Thrive Emotionally, remember to check out how you are doing in other areas like exercise and nutrition.

5 Ways To Thrive Emotionally

  1. Forgive     It always starts and ends here with the truth of forgiveness.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the power to forgive others deposited into our very souls.  It is still not an easy thing and for some takes time.  It is helpful for me to think of my sin and how much God has forgiven me, somehow the fact of my own sinfulness makes it easier to overlook an offense.  Now, let’s not confuse forgiveness with anything else.  Forgiveness does not mean you have to be around the person who has harmed you or any other “attachments” we can unintentionally add to forgiveness.  It simply means that you forgive the person who has wounded you.       To him, all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”  Acts 10:4
  2. Boundaries      It has taken me a long long time to learn that it is OK to set boundaries in all areas of life.  I have always perceived boundaries to be mean-spirited.  I know…I know!   I am learning that setting boundaries is the most loving thing you can do. Boundaries are not about keeping people out but rather are about how we choose to spend our energy. Boundaries are about applying wisdom to your life.  When you set up boundaries you would not believe how your emotional health returns!     Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.    Proverbs 4:23
  3. Prayer     Don’t even try to start your day without prayer!  If you are relying on your own strength to make it through the day then the incidence of emotional distress will increase.  Pray for the peace that passes all understanding and only God can give you that.   And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.     Acts 2:42
  4. Reduce Stress     Take a moment and evaluate your schedule.  See what is necessary and what is optional.  Use scripture to help you eliminate the unnecessary things that keep you from God’s best.  A great question to ask yourself when evaluating your schedule is “Does this activity help me and my family grow spiritually?”   Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.   Philippians 4:6
  5. Thankfulness     One of the things that helps me when I am battling anxiety is to grab a piece of paper and start writing a list of all the things I am thankful for.  Thankfulness is a critical and often overlooked element of emotional health.   Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.    1 Thessalonians 5:13


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How do you maintain emotional wellness?




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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I do all of these except right now I am struggling with reducing stress. Dealing with a health issue of a family member for the past 5 weeks and that on top of everything else is pushing my limits, but with the other things, I am doing fine. I even took time to go to church and sit with my Lord for an hour last week just because I knew I was stressed. Just what I needed.

    1. Sounds like you are managing life well Karen! Life situations and stages can reduce or increase stress for all of us.

  2. I really loved these suggestions and thank you for talking about mental health!

    1. You are welcome, Jill…I think it is critically important we talk about these issues!

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