I am feeling a bit antsy of late because there have been quite a lot of things going on in the world as well as, …
How To Roast A Chicken
How to roast a chicken, as you know I own chickens but I must confess that not one of my ladies has ever made it …
Organize Your Command Center The Smart Way
Command Centers can be located anywhere and include various elements. As you can tell, my command center is on the side of my refrigerator. Command …
DIY Antibacterial And Antiviral Hand Sanitizer
I just love making DIY projects for my family that keep us healthy and save money at the same time. This project for DIY Antibacterial …
Comforting Fiction Books For Difficult Times
Reading a book is a peaceful experience for me. When I read aloud to my children the atmosphere completely changes into one of quiet joy. …
Feeling The Presence Of God
Feeling the presence of God is not some mystical experience reserved only for the most religious people. We don’t need to lock ourselves away in …
5 EASY Tips to Spring Clean Your Diet
Thank you so much, Janelle, for inviting me over today to share with you, her readers. I am a big fan of Janelle and The …
The Autistic Family
Let me just come out with it, being the mother of a child with autism has its ups and downs. I have been doing …