I have been making dry and wet potpourri for many, many years. Just how many years you will not get me to divulge here… Since one …
10 Spring Gardening Tips
Gardening is one of my most enjoyable activities. It is beneficial in so many ways that it is hard to keep count. I garden just …
DIY Healthy Terracotta Pot Beeswax Candle
DIY Healthy Terracotta Pot Beeswax Candle…I love easy, don’t you? Better yet, when you can combine ease and health I’m always in! The fact is that …
3 Frugal DIY Christmas Trees
I love to decorate my home for Christmas, it’s a family activity around our place that starts the day after Thanksgiving. Each year we like …
How To Make Natural Easter Egg Dye
Easter is a cherished time of year at The Peaceful Haven. Celebrating Lent, then Holy Week, and on to the best day of the year, …