The Peaceful Haven Manifesto was written some time ago. It took a retreat away from “real life” for me to put into words the values …
5 Ways To Organize Your LARGE Family
Confession time, I am not a naturally organized person. I have had to learn how to organize my LARGE family. My brain rejects just the …
Organize Your Office The Frugal Way
The home office, like any other organizational project, can end up being exorbitant! In some cases even more so because of the specific role …
A Few Of My Favorite Things
My grandfather worked on The Sound of Music movie as a film colorist, so the classic feel-good feature holds a special place in my heart …
The BEST Family Spring Scavenger Hunt
Spring has sprung! I was out in my garden this morning cutting branches from the apple trees to force inside. My eyes could barely stay …
The Easiest Flowers And Herbs For Container Gardens
The easiest flowers and herbs for container gardens. Simple and easy, aren’t those nice words? Doubly nice when we are talking about gardening. Container gardening or pot …
Children Need Quiet Every Day
Children need quiet every day. This fact is often overlooked especially in our hurried American life. We parents have believed a lie that in order …
20 Vegetables To Direct Seed
There are two ways to start seeds. You can either start them inside or you can direct seed them into the soil. I like to …