I’ve been a stay-at-home mom and wife for almost 36 years now. C.S. Lewis brilliantly puts it: “The Homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers …
Dig A Hole To China
Reminiscing about bygone Summers makes me laugh. Six kids will do that to you and from time to time you find yourself spontaneously combusting into laughter. …
Do Your Children Feel Secure?
Motherhood or parenting at large is primarily about forming bonded relationships. The nurturing relationship between a mother and child is the foundation for all other …
Mama, Are You Longing For A Silent Night?
Are you longing for a Silent Night? Calm and bright? How about sleeping in heavenly peace? I believe this to be the longing of every …
The Mother’s Treasury
Remember when there used to be books published full of inspirational stories, poems, paintings, and Bible Verses on a specific topic? Like James Herriot’s Treasury …
50 Christ Centered Slow Living Homeschool Tips
In the blink of an eye, my twenty-two-year homeschooling career is over. I am incredibly thankful to God for allowing me this amazingly beautiful privilege …
Creating A Rainy Day Bag
Creating a Rainy Day Bag! I am thrilled to have Betsy from Gathering Around on The Peaceful Haven today! Betsy hails from Tennessee and is …
My Child Wants To Be With Me, ALL THE TIME
My Child Wants To Be With Me, ALL THE TIME, what do I do? I have heard this question a million times and I have …