Protecting Our Family From Internet Predators is profoundly important. My son was 10 when he clicked on a comment in a children’s Lego site that …
Maxi Skirts And Grannies Are A Girls Best Friend
I recently went to my son’s Honors Award Ceremony at the college he attends as a Computer Science major. To say I was proud would …
How Siblings Become Best Friends
I would guess that all parents want their children to become each other’s best friends. The question is how do siblings become best friends? I …
Best Homeschool Online Testing
I don’t know about you but testing is expensive in my neck of the woods. You have to first find a place or group that …
Psalm 78 Is A Parenting Manual
Psalm 78 Is A Parenting Manual! It’s funny how you can forget the most important things. I found myself reading Psalm 78 in my daily …
Kid-Friendly Valentine’s Day Heart Wreath
Looking for a simple Valentine’s Day activity that your whole family can participate in? I am excited to share this charming kid-friendly Valentine’s Day Heart …
The Morning Snuggle
The Morning Snuggle… I awoke this morning after a somewhat sad and disturbing weekend. I did not even attempt to get out of bed before …
Charlotte Mason’s Twenty Homeschool Principles
It’s that time of year again, the start of school. An overwhelming look, seems to descend upon parents young and old, as they navigate things …