Living on one income can make you extremely creative! It also allows you to work hard, think in new ways, and permit you to do …
Save Money
Top 10 Simple Living Tips
Confession, Simple Living does not come naturally to me. I’ve had to learn the hard and often the painful way, but the gentle call of …
Organize Your Eating Space The Frugal Way
Do you have a formal dining room or an eat-in kitchen? Either way today we are going to organize your eating space. In my home, …
Organize The Pantry
Today, we are going to organize the pantry and do it on a budget. The pantry in our 1903 farmhouse is one of my favorite …
37 Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen
37 Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen 1. Get all your pots and pans and utensils at the Thrift Store. They always have …
DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps
I finally finished my giant roll of Costco Saran Wrap. I think it lasted 5 years! I had promised myself that when it was gone …
Organize Your Clothes And Closet
Organize Your Clothes And Closet, organizing clothes can bring a cold sweat to any brow but it doesn’t have to be that way. Breaking tasks …
Organize Your Command Center The Smart Way
Command Centers can be located anywhere and include various elements. As you can tell, my command center is on the side of my refrigerator. Command …