It’s an anniversary for me, 20 years of Chiropractic care!  Here is why I believe in Chiropractic care…

As I contemplated how helpful seeing a Chiropractor has been for my family and me.  I wanted to share my experience with you in the hope that you and your family will benefit from my years of experience.  I recruited my Chiropractor to share his knowledge with us. A big thanks go out to Dr. Jack Martin for allowing me to interview him.  I would also like to thank Skaates Family Chiropractic where I have been a patient for all 20 years! (See above picture)

It occurred to me that our family may not use a Chiropractor for the traditional reason.  Back pain is not the main purpose we seek Chiropractor care, wellness is.  My motto is to go to the Chiropractor first!   It is only after I have received an adjustment and consulted Dr. Jack, that I evaluate what my next step in the healing process will be.


Why I Believe In Chiropractic Care

  • Managing my 7 autoimmune diseases.
  • Sensory integration issues for our daughter with autism.
  • Eliminating the need for antibiotics for ear infections.
  • Yes, back pain.
  • Managing athletic injuries. (I always get my x-rays done at the chiropractor and they tell me whether or not we need to see the Orthopedic doctor. )
  • Fixed plantar fasciitis
  • Reduced seizures after my husband’s brain surgery.
  • Headaches
  • Reduces the time of illness!  (I always feel better after an adjustment.)
  • Reduces inflammation within the body.
  • Eliminates intestinal and stomach issues.
  • Immunity boost (Feel like you are getting sick?  Get in and get an adjustment.)
  • Eliminates muscle pain.
  • Pregnancy pain
  • Adjustments for newborns.
  • Asthma
  • Reduced fever to normal temperature.



Chiropractic Care


1. What is the purpose of Chiropractic care in your own words?

Chiropractic care is a natural form of health care designed to improve musculoskeletal and nervous system function. If a segment of the spine is misaligned it can cause inflammation, muscle spasm, and compression to the associated spinal nerve. A “pinched” nerve can cause many symptoms such as pain, headaches, digestive issues, and even high blood pressure just to name a few. Chiropractors perform spinal adjustments to restore motion to these misaligned areas taking pressure off the nerve and allowing the body to heal naturally.


2. How is Chiropractic care more about maintaining good health than back pain?

Not all nerves function to communicate pain to the brain. Some nerves connect to different body organs and aid in breathing, digestion, etc. By making sure the spine is in proper alignment we help the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. If this communication is jammed, we don’t function at our best and cannot fight off illness. We have seen people with sinus trouble, constipation; hypertension, asthma, and acid reflux improve by treating the spinal misalignments.


3. How long does it take a person to begin to feel better after they begin treatment?

Every person is different so results may vary. It can also depend on how long the condition has been there. In my experience I find patients respond within the first few visits of care for a new injury. Chronic issues that have been going on for several months can take a couple of weeks to feel better. But just because a person is feeling better doesn’t mean the problem is gone. Pain is one of the last symptoms of a problem and one of the first to go away. My goal is to correct the problem so it doesn’t return.


4. How is Chiropractic care helpful for children?

It is very helpful and arguably more important for children than adults due to the rapid growth of their spine and nervous system. Spinal misalignments can occur due to the baby’s position in the womb, or during labor from the trauma of the trip through the birth canal. After birth, changes occur very fast. They are learning to hold their head up, crawl, and eventually walk. We want these milestones to occur without issue so the child can grow as intended. Ear infections, bedwetting, asthma, and ADHD are all issues Chiropractic care has been successful in treating. And it is great to know that by gently and safely treating a child’s spine I can reduce antibiotic and medication usage.


5. How does Chiropractic care complement or replace other therapies for children with special needs?

Many special needs involve the nervous system. Chiropractic care can positively benefit the nervous system. If the communication between the brain and the body is working properly, the child will function at their best. This can mean less medication or hopefully none at all. Either way, it is a safe alternative and worth pursuing to keep all children healthy.


6. Is Chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

Yes. A woman’s body rapidly changes during pregnancy, resulting in an increased low back curve along with pelvic and postural changes. Pregnancy can also cause back pain which can be safely eased with chiropractic adjustments while using special tables that accommodate a growing belly. We can also treat mothers who are carrying breech using Webster’s technique, which is a safe and effective way to turn the baby. Also, adjustments have been known to decrease labor & delivery difficulty and duration.


A big thank you to Dr. Jack Marin and Skaates Family Chiropractic for 20 years of faithful service to our family! 


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How has Chiropractic care helped you?




*I was not paid to write this post.  My opinions are my own.

Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Lovely share
    And great content

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and stop by again!

  2. Great post! Thank you for sharing both your personal experiences and also the experiences of a professional! It is great chiropractic care does so much for you and your family!

  3. My mother-in-law has been complaining about her lower back ever since she slipped and fell at the park. I was surprised to read that some people will start to experience relief after the first few chiropractic visits from a new injury. I also like your point about how you work on correcting the problem so the pain doesn’t return. It might be time for my mother-in-law to see a chiropractor.

    1. I am so glad you found the post helpful Lucy! Praying for your MIL!

  4. Valuable blog post. All the best 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!

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