Each month a discussion occurs over days at my house about which books are “WORTHY” to go on the list of Simple Short Christian Book Reviews. Each month I wade through at least 50 books and I enjoy every minute! But very few will make it to the final list.
I think about things like Christian Worldview, and historical accuracy, would I want this book in my personal library or would the book be helpful in the daily life of a Christian Homemaker? Does the book capture me? Is it educational?
Here are my picks for this month’s Christian Book Reviews. I hope they will be a blessing to you and your family!
Simple Short Christian Book Reviews
The French-Inspired Home, with French General, is an amazing book chocked full of projects for your home! The projects range in difficulty and are labeled as such. The French Inspired Home is easy to use and gives you loads of charming projects to create alone or with your children. You could even use this book as a beginner sewing tutorial. Even if you are not “CRAFTY” get the book to look at all the lovely pictures.
The French-Inspired Home, with French General
The Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook: Make the Most of Your Growing Season takes all the planning out of gardening and does it for you. You really only need one book to get you started vegetable gardening and this is it! Find out when the last frost and first frost are in your area of the world. Once armed with that information you follow the weekly guides provided in this informational book and voila…you will be a successful vegetable gardener. You know I love SIMPLE and this book makes growing vegetables SIMPLE.
The Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook: Make the Most of Your Growing Season
The Nourished Kitchen: Farm-to-Table Recipes for the Traditional Foods Lifestyle Featuring Bone Broths, Fermented Vegetables, Grass-Fed Meats, Wholesome Fats, Raw Dairy, and Kombuchas. This is a teaching cookbook, jam-packed with easy recipes to keep you healthy. If you are looking for a way to make lifestyle changes to live a more fulfilling life then check this cookbook out.
The Nourished Kitchen: Farm-to-Table Recipes for the Traditional Foods Lifestyle Featuring Bone Broths, Fermented Vegetables, Grass-Fed Meats, Wholesome Fats, Raw Dairy, and Kombuchas
The Lord Peter Whimsey Series by Dorothy Sayers was recommended by my daughter-in-love! An exceptionally well-written series where the main character, Lord Peter searches for truth to solve mysteries but also wrestles with moral truths as well. The series was first written in 1923. I was enthralled with these entertaining and meaningful books and I have decided I need a Bunter! (You will have to read these treasures to find out who this character is…)
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism is a must-read for every Christian living in the world today. Yep…I feel that strongly about it. We all need to know how to defend our faith and be able to explain to others in a loving way, why we believe certain biblical principles. This is the most well-written and biblically sound book on the subject. We have an epidemic going on within Christianity today…it is really the same problem that has occurred throughout the centuries. Will God’s people believe God’s Word or do what is right in their own eyes? This is a hot topic that deserves our attention and study.
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography will be on the Christmas and Birthday list of every Laura Ingalls Wilder Fan! This is Laura’s very first manuscript written for adults about her life. It was later, at the suggestion of her daughter Rose, written into many children’s books that we all know and adore as The Little House on the Prairie Series. Not only do we get to see the first draft of the book we are treated to a tirelessly accurate annotated version. This could be an entire history curriculum in itself! Filled with photographs and original documentation. Hours of enjoyment is just waiting for you and your kids!
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
Becoming a Woman of Purpose, this Bible devotion is part of a series that I PROMISE will be worth every single moment of your time! How is that for a review? This book has been life-changing for me and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to you!
Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide To Money: The Handbook of Financial Peace University
If you care about what God has to say about money and want to improve your finances then read this book! I promise you will learn something….and in so doing change your life.
Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide To Money: The Handbook of Financial Peace University
Brand New Full and Complete Elsie Dinsmore Book Series Collection by Martha Finley. This is a well-written and historically accurate series for girls. It is also a great read-aloud for the whole family. You might even have some lively discussions and be sure to talk about “grace” versus legalism with your children when they are reading these EXCELLENT books!
Brand New Full and Complete Elsie Dinsmore Book Series Collection by Martha Finley.
Biblical literacy is a gift to our kids that lasts a lifetime. The challenge is making it relatable to them. Now the presentation of the gospel found in Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible is more engaging than ever! The Egermeier’s Interactive Story Bible now brings the Bible to life with new color illustrations and a series of quick-sketching videos that tell the stories as they magically appear on the screen. Readers now have the choice to read the stories or watch them being drawn before their eyes! Enter to win your very own copy HERE! Discount code BLOG30
Happy Reading! Looking for more Simple Short Christian Book Reviews? Click HERE!
Any book suggestions?
This is a good list! Thanks!.
So glad you found it helpful!
Thank you.
You are very welcome and I am so thankful you found the recommendations helpful!