As hard as we may try to imagine it away, the church throughout its existence has always been influenced by the culture it resides in and the results are always the same.  Disasterous.  Culture does not dictate doctrine.  It does not decide what is right and wrong. What the roles of women and men are or even one’s identity.  Doctrine is decided by the Holy inspired Word of God.  What we believe affects all areas of our life.

The culture we live in can preach all sorts of seemingly good things, they may make perfect sense and may even present themselves as worthwhile loving endeavors, but please beware.  The evil one prowls around confusing people, even God’s people, by changing the truth just a little so it still sounds decent and good.  He uses the same exact tactics as he used on Adam and Eve in the garden.  In Genesis chapter 3:1, satan says “Did God actually say that” and he still asks the exact same question to all of mankind today.  

I’ve wanted to write about the topic of culture vs. doctrine for a very long time. After a family discussion on various cultural trends at the dinner table last night, I was so devastated and heartbroken over the lies that have been accepted in the church universal,  I felt God asking me to write about this painful issue.  In general, I prefer to write about encouraging and uplifting topics because let’s face it, we need hope in a fallen world, we need encouragement to fight the good fight. I love to preach God’s goodness and grace but even I had to admit that I would be remiss if I didn’t tackle this one.

Let’s start with what doctrine is and why it is necessary.  The word doctrine in greek is didaskalia and means the act of teaching.  As we refer to Christian Doctrine specifically, it is the way the central themes of God’s revelation in Scripture are summarized and taught. Christianity is founded on a message of good news (the gospel) rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. In Gods Word, the Bible, which includes the Old and New Testaments, doctrine refers to the entire body of essential theological truths (1 Timothy 1:10, 1 Timothy 4:16, 1 Timothy 6:3, and Titus 1: 9). Doctrine, then, is biblical teaching on theological truths coming from the very Word of God.

Doctrine is indispensable to Christianity and the faith is unable to exist without it. The New Testament repeatedly emphasizes the value and importance of sound doctrine, sound instruction (1 Timothy 6:3), and a pattern of sound teaching (2 Timothy 1:12-14).  Believers are instructed to guard the faith, that is, to stand firm in sound doctrine, “faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).  

Now on to the church, oh, how I love the church!  It is the bride of Christ ( Ephesians 5:22-33) and must be respected and treasured and spoken about with reverence.  It is also run by broken and sinful human beings (Romans 3:23).  The church can be messy as it requires its disciples, to be in a relationship with other sinful human beings just like themselves. It requires forgiveness (Matthew 26:28). It is a hospital for the wounded, a home for those who are without family, and the hands and feet of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). It has a beautiful and yet sordid past. It is a holy institution and God wishes it to be in unity (Ephesians 4:1-7). 

I hope by now you are able to glimpse the importance of the church universal, doctrine, and what could be at stake when a church chooses to do what is right in it’s own eyes, ignores biblical doctrine, and replaces it with cultural norms. 

Before I go further, can I talk about love for a moment?  Love is the hallmark of a Christian.  Love enables us to talk about weighty issues like the church and its doctrine in honesty and without condemnation.  There is always forgiveness and grace for God’s people.  We, the children of God, redeemed with the blood of Christ Jesus are imperfect, trying to make our way in this world with eternity in our hearts.  We are learning how to love God through a worshipful life.  It is a process and often a messy one.  Here is a truth that is not often spoken in our culture, you can love someone deeply and disagree with them.  One is not being hateful when we respectfully express an opposing thought.

Several years ago, after being members of a church for over twenty years, the church elders began to change doctrine yet again.  It had been a subtle occurrence over the years as we witnessed first hand a general shift from biblical doctrine toward embracing cultural norms as truth.  Honestly, you don’t have to personally agree with every biblical interpretation an individual church takes a stance on.  There is a place for personal humbleness that allows for differences.  However, when historic biblical church doctrine is continually replaced with cultural truth then you know you’re headed for trouble and it is time to leave. 

We thought it would be easy to find a church that subscribed to sound biblical doctrine.  Surely, there was a church that taught basic biblical truths.  We could not have been more wrong.  It has been three years of heartbreaking searching. We have finally found a place to call home, though we deeply miss the sacrament of Communion in the church service.  Regrettably, in this culture beggars can’t be choosers, there is no perfect church, that is until we get to heaven.  

Lastly, I want to end on a positive note.  God is still on the throne just as He always has been.  We have redemption and forgiveness in and through the beautiful sacrifice Jesus, God’s only Son, made for us on the cross as payment for our sins!  We will be together with our Father in heaven forever!  This life is temporary and those who choose cultural truths over sound doctrine can repent and find forgiveness in the loving arms of our Savior! 

Let’s stand together for the truth of God’s Word over the destructiveness of the whispers of the world! 



Whose with me?



Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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