This post should be called Habits the good the bad and the ugly.  Instead, I have named it Daily Habits That Are Causing You To Be Overwhelmed.  The truth is that our habits inform who we are and who we will become.  To put it simply, they are essential. 

We can divide habit-making into several categories.  There are habits of the mind, emotions, spiritual, social, and physical. Many of the actions people engage in daily—such as shopping, exercising (or not), and communicating with others—are habitual and thus can be difficult to change. A stunning 43% of everyday actions are enacted habitually while people are thinking about something else (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 83, No. 6, 2002).

I believe it is this distraction that leads to being overwhelmed. One of the best things you can do when forming new habits is to slow down and ask God through prayer to show you what you need to change or begin.  Daily habits can become a joy bringing renewal and refreshment! 



Daily Habits That Are Causing You To Be Overwhelmed


People Pleasing

Alas, this is a problem for me.  Speaking plainly, the habit of people pleasing is destructive.  I can become an idol and cause you to seek the approval of others over the approval of God.  This is a dangerous business and causes real harm to the person God created you to be.  Be yourself and ask God to free you from this habit.  People pleasing is living a lie. 


Minding Other People’s Business 

Getting involved in other people’s drama sucks your energy and often leads to gossip which Scripture forbids.  In my experience, people crave excitement and feeling important.  Seeking these things is not always a problem, however, when you stick your nose in other people’s business you can become a “DO GOODER” and that at its heart is wrong.  



Remember the days when everyone was touting the benefits of multitasking?  Turns out it is bad for us, especially our brains. Multitasking is the opposite of focus.  It only leads to distraction and stress. Time to stop this outdated habit.  


Living In The Past 

Focusing on past regrets instead of the present moment is a recipe for unhappiness.  If you have perseverating thoughts that you just can’t let go of seek a professional Christian counselor.  “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43: 18-19



The word organized can cause people to panic. Let’s face it, sometimes organizing can be overwhelming and time-consuming.  It doesn’t have to be that way though.  Living with the disorder is way worse than making the time and giving your energy to organize your life. Taking small, slow, steps gives you the focus you need. Just one task at a time.  Try decluttering a small corner of your house like a coffee table and see how much better you feel. 



As you begin your journey in habit formation, here is some help to get you started.   I highly recommend The Weekly Habits Project;  A Challenge To Journal, Reflect, and Make TIney Changes For Big Results.  I am currently working on an update to a previously published book and at the same time working on a new book.  I have been so thankful for this little but powerful tool that has eliminated my overwhelm and gently set me up to achieve the new habits I need to finish my book projects.  It’s a huge blessing when you find an effective resource, and allows you to reflect on God’s Word to clarify your habits.  Make sure you enter the GIVEAWAY for this amazing book! 



Daily Habits That Are Causing You To Be Overwhelmed



The formation of habits is education,

and education is the formation of habits.

The mother who takes pains to endow her children

with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days;

while she who lets their habits take care of

themselves has a weary life of endless

friction with the children.

Charlotte Mason 



I want to end with this caveat,  If you feel overwhelmed it might mean you are out of God’s will.  However, it could also mean that God is asking you to take action, He may be calling you to do something for him.  It is possible, to feel overwhelmed because it is a new thing that God is asking you to do for Him.  Take heart, His power is made perfect in your weakness!  He will give you the strength to do what you are called, for His glory.  




What makes you feel overwhelmed? 


Peacefully Yours, 



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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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