Are you distracted?  I have lately felt that I have acquired adult-onset Attention Deficit Disorder…I find myself fighting being distracted on a daily basis!  As a mother of six children, I constantly feel like someone is in need of my attention.  I feel as if my head is going to pop off some days.  Add to that one child (now adult) with special needs, home responsibilities, homeschooling, my beloved husband and my life is full.

Anyone else?

Any mother or caregiver will feel the same but these are not the type of distractions I am talking about.  In fact, my husband, home, and children are my callings and NOT a distraction, even if they feel that way sometimes.

Distractions take us away from the things that God is calling us to.  Our Savior, our husbands, our children, our parents, and our homes.  A distracted woman spends more time on the internet, social media, talking with friends, or watching television than spending time with God or on the people in her life.  Big problems can occur when we get distracted.  I should know after all I fight the temptations of living a distracted life every single day.

I don’t know about you but I can get off track at an alarming rate and often feel like Dory from the movie Finding Nemo.



The new speed of life

is not Christian;

it is anti-Christ.

-John Mark Comer



Enter, Satan (Oh, I hate talking about him.)  His purpose is to deceive you, distract you and ultimately destroy you, and more often than not he subtly introduces things that seem good into your life and convinces you to spend time on the things but not the things of God’s which are the best.  I also have found that Satan still uses the same old tricks he has always used.  He has Christians all over the world asking the same question that he asked Eve in the garden so many years ago.  “Did God really say that?”,  We are still wondering about God’s Word today.  This is a really BIG problem because God’s word tells us what is right and wrong and what is good and bad.  What is beneficial and praiseworthy.  How to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  When we question God’s word and can’t even decide on what is right and wrong…we are up a creek without a paddle!

I would like to forget and often do that we have an adversary that is creeping around trying to get us off God’s path.  I can be so easily tricked into participating in things that seem good at first glance only to realize that what at first appearances seems grand is now becoming detrimental in my life.

One of the biggest issues that I have seen in my own life and in the life of others is being distracted by media.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Watching a movie or internet surfing is not bad in and of itself.   However, when I am focused on social media, a movie, or television program more often than the people in my life then there is a reason for concern.   The lure of the internet and its good qualities (and there are good qualities to all media) seem swell at first but then we eventually see how this distraction can snowball into a distracted life in which the people you love are usually the casualties.



Are You Distracted?


  • Do I spend more time online or watching TV than I do with my husband?
  • Do I spend more time engaging in media distractions or activities than I spend with my children?
  • Do I choose to spend time on the internet or social media more often than I spend time with God?


Let’s take a moment and make a commitment to have intentionally focused interactions with our Savoir, our husbands, and children.  As believers let us pray for one another to be equipped to do God’s will placing more importance on people than things.  Let each one of us fight and pray to resist the temptation of living a distracted life.




What makes you distracted?









Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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