I finally finished my giant roll of Costco Saran Wrap. I think it lasted 5 years!  I had promised myself that when it was gone I wouldn’t purchase any more.  My goal of reducing household waste has been a journey, but we are almost there!  The girls and I had so much fun making these charming DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps!  There is something so relaxing about painting…

Here is a little money-saving tip, when your beeswax wraps begin to loose there waxiness just place them between two pieces and of parchment paper and iron them.  Voila, good as new! 




1 cup beeswax pellets

1/4 cup pine resin

1/4 cup jojoba oil

parchment paper

paintbrush (we used a recycled makeup brush because none of the bristles fell out while painting)

12- 12×12 pre-washed cotton fabric squares 





DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps



  1. Fill a medium-sized pot halfway up with water.  Heat the water to boiling and then reduce the heat to low.  Place the beeswax pellets, pine resin, and jojoba oil in a glass canning jar.  Place the jar in the pot of hot water and gently stir until all the wax mixture is completely melted.  The pine resin takes the longest to melt.  
  2. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees. 


DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps



3. Cover a large jelly roll baking pan with parchment paper.  Put one piece of fabric on the baking sheet.

4. Place the baking sheet close to the beeswax jar and pan but make sure to keep it a safe distance from the burner at the same time.  This prevents wax from going everywhere.  You could also use a hotplate to melt your wax. 



DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps



5. Use the paintbrush, AKA recycled makeup brush, to spread a thin layer of the melted beeswax over the fabric.  Make sure to hit every spot on the fabric.  It will begin to harden and that’s OK because you are going to place the baking sheet with the fabric square in the oven to melt it even more. 

6.  Once your baking sheet and fabric square are in the oven wait for approximately 40 seconds and remove when the beeswax appears to have a shiny gloss, then remove the pan using a potholder.  Use the brush to evenly distribute the wax on the fabric.  

7. Set another fabric square on top of the saturated beeswax wrap.  Using your hands press the dry piece of fabric onto the warm waxy one. 



DIY Homemade Reusable Beeswax Wraps



8. Put the baking sheet, with both pieces of fabric back into the oven for approximately 30 seconds to remove any excess wax from the first fabric sheet onto the second.  

9.  Remove the baking sheet from the oven using potholders.  Then hang the first wrap on the clothesline to dry.  There should be no dripping wax. Make sure to hand the wraps straight making sure not to bend the edges while drying.  (See above)

10.  Repeat until the last piece of fabric is finished. If you are running low on wax, toss in a tablespoon of beeswax pellets to the already melted wax.  I love DIY projects, don’t you?





Your Turn…

What is your favorite family craft?




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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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