I’ve been rereading Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship, so when I heard of the latest horrific school shooting I felt it was time to be brave and speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).  I don’t know about you but every time I hear a disagreeable and downright discouraging story about the chaos in the world my heart sinks. Topics like transgenderism and the LGBTQ+ agenda (not people), wars, school shootings, racism, divorce, pornography, drug abuse, and the list goes on and on, I want to scream enough is enough!  Oh, how we need Jesus! 

The fact is, that God loves us so much that he created a set of laws or rules to keep us safe.  He knew that his human creation, left to themselves would self-destruct.  We see it over and over throughout history, when people abandon God’s laws, and do what’s right in their own eyes everything falls apart! Chaos soon ensues.  

Out of his great love, God’s plan even includes setting up a system for when we break the rules. We have the ability to be forgiven by a loving Savior, Jesus Christ.  God loves the world and the people in it so much, that he gave his only Son so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. WOW! God’s son Jesus forgives sins.  He is the hope of the world.  

We don’t have to live in chaos. We have a choice. 



Here are six things God hates,

and one more that he loathes with

a passion: eyes that are arrogant,

a tongue that lies,

hands that murder the innocent,

a heart that hatches evil plots,

feet that race down a wicked track,

a mouth that lies under oath,

a troublemaker in the family.

Proverbs 6:16-19 MSG



We only have to take a look at this list from Proverbs 6 to know that this is exactly what is happening everywhere around us.  There are arrogant eyes coming from all sides, posturing what they say or think is true when in actuality it is just their opinion and often outright lies.  How can we tell who is telling the truth or telling lies?  Look it up in the Bible.  What does God say?  He is the truth, the way, and the life. There is such a thing as absolute truth. 

Why would we believe the inventions of man over God’s Word?  He is our creator.  Jesus knows our every need. We are the crown of his creation.  He knows the number of hairs on our heads.  Our Father in Heaven is all-knowing and loving. 

We hold our thoughts, ideas, and opinions in much too high esteem, human beings are arrogant. ALL people need to humble themselves, repent, and walk in God’s loving ways even when we don’t understand them or even agree with them.  I am speaking to ALL people here, including professing Christians, we are all fallen and wicked. 


Enough is Enough School Shootings And Transgenderism


Our culture is quite good, even excellent at murdering the innocent.  We kill babies in the name of freedom.  Some even have the audacity to call it health care and claim it as a right. We devalue women and children when we do this.  Parents are allowing their precious young children to mutilate their stunningly beautifully created bodies because they “feel” like they are another gender. 

As a culture, we send our children to unsafe schools that teach ungodly curricula. We allow making money and careerism to take precedence over the delicate care of our children.  Distraction prevails and we can’t seem to put the phone down. We currently have the most unparented generation in all of history and it shows.  

Evil is a word employed carefully and sparingly.  Using the word “evil” is reserved for only a very few things. Hatching evil plots are abhorrent to God and His children.  If there is one thing that defines the current climate in all areas of society, it is this one thing.  Evil plots are often planned and implemented because we follow our feelings instead of using our brains to ascertain the facts.  When we lead with our hearts, evil inevitably follows. 

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it?  Jeremiah 17:9 

Feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family.  I can’t tell you how many families I know that have these very things going on in their family.  Christian families to boot.  The family has disintegrated. The antidote to this is not harsh discipline but relational love that responds to felt needs.  That deep abiding agape love that heals. 

It is possible to heal our families because we have the Holy Spirit living in us who can teach us how to love…if we listen.  We can stop the busy lives that leave us coming up empty.  We can pray

Speaking of prayer, if you are a Christian then this must be a central part of your life.  It simply must!  This wounded world is counting on us to pray! We must not only pray for our own family, and our own church but for the lost world.  Pray against the lie of transgenderism, pray for peace in the world, pray for your enemy, pray for the poor in spirit, the poor, and those who are physically and mentally ill.  Pray for the government, for your pastor, for your neighbor, for revival, and for love to cover a multitude of sins.  

The mark of a Christian is love.  Respect for all people is critical. Sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is to speak the truth in love to the culture at large.   To draw a line in the sand against evil agendas and most importantly stand up for the vulnerable, the least, and the forgotten.  Remember, your life is not your own.  You were bought with a price.  It’s time to draw a line in the sand and say no more!



What do you think is the most tragic ideology of our culture? 





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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Janelle, I agree with you. Every time I see or hear about another school shooting it breaks my heart. And to think now that the number one way children die is by guns, not cancer.

    1. Lisa, I completely agree! It sure does sadden the soul!

  2. Betsy Pendergrass

    Thinking that fathers are unnecessary is a huge downfall. Our fathers provide identity. No wonder our culture doesn’t know who they are. Most people are growing up without fathers. Lord help us! Raise up fathers.

    1. I think this is a huge issue, Betsy! Fathers do provide identity! Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  3. White Supremacy is probably one the the worst.

    1. I completely agree, Debbie!

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