I read about some new research studies weekly that tell of the detriments of inflammation on the body.  Inflammation is not good for anyone but it is definitely not good for a person with an autoimmune disease!  It is a battle that daily needs to be waged.  Never fear, my list of 18 Essential Oils For A Healthy Inflammatory Response will help!

It is important to realize that the world we live in is full of contaminants.  Some people can battle these man-made substances better than others but not the person with an autoimmune disease.  Our exposure to heavy metals and environmental pollution overloads our immune system.  Some people can battle with pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, industrial wastes, cigarette smoke, and automobile exhaust but the autoimmune person’s body views any foreign substance in our body as an enemy and gets confused and our body starts attacking ourselves!  Our air, water, and food in the United States are full of toxic substances. We must be vigilant where others can be less so.

There is no doubt that these toxins play a role in immune dysfunction. Even substances considered by most people as safe impair immune function. Even my beloved sugar wreaks havoc on the ability of white cells to destroy what it is supposed to destroy.   Sugar in any form is bad for the individual with an autoimmune disease.


How do you promote a healthy inflammation in your body using essential oils?


Each oil provides the living essence of its source, gently distilled from plants that are nurtured and carefully harvested.  Essential oils can be used individually or blended for personalized essential oil therapies. 18 Essential Oils for A Healthy Inflammatory Response will be incredibly helpful as you navigate your own health and wellness.

Check out my daily essential oil routine.



18 Essential Oils For A Healthy Inflammatory Response



18 Essential Oils For

A Healthy Inflammatory Response




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What is your favorite anti-inflammatory essential oil?






*This post may contain affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. essential oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of essential oils.




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Ginger is my favorite anti-inflammatory oil. I use it on achy joints, overuse injuries and hives. It’s also anti-wrinkle.

    1. I love ginger too…I like to drink a cup of ginger tea when I can. I did not know that ginger was anti-wrinkle! I am putting some on today:) Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. I have been Diagnosed with Crohns since December 2014 since we have gained control how ever a whole new problem seems to appear side effects meds for that and now joint pain I can’t take these made any longer and desperately seeking natural healing help I know nothing about it thank you so kindly for your time

    1. Hi Terri,
      I have heard that the side effects of the meds are sometimes worse than the symptoms. Crohns Disease is nothing to mess around with. I am deeply sorry you are in pain…I understand your suffering, especially as a fellow sufferer of autoimmune disease! I have had better success with addressing the root cause of autoimmune disease…inflammation. I have evaluated my diet as well as all areas of my life that cause inflammation. Please let me know if I can research anything for you…Here are some of my other posts that may be of help to you. http://www.thepeacefulhaven.com/battling-autoimmune-disease-naturally/
      http://www.thepeacefulhaven.com/1-not-easy-thing-cured-fibromyalgia/ http://www.thepeacefulhaven.com/how-to-hope-autoimmune-disease-naturally/
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I have a thyroid issue and some other autoimmune issue that hasnt been diagnosed yet. Got to dr next month again for a high ana result. Last time re run of test was negative. Stopped thyroid meds because thought they were cause of hives. Nope came back. Went to allergist and put me on meds. Starting to not be as effective as when i began 2 months ago. Looking for oils to help and how to use them. Thanks

    1. Hi DeAnna,
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Boy, do I understand what you are going through…I have been through very similar circumstances. I believe the doctors want to help but they address the symptoms and not the root cause. Usually inflammation. When our bodies are inflamed it can do all sorts of weird stuff like hives and thyroid. I still take my synthroid every day. Thyroid is one of those areas that is very hard to control with out meds. However, the meds affect your bone density so eat a diet high in calcium. It is also common that meds diminish in effectiveness over time especially with autoimmune disease. As far as essential oils go I would suggest 3 to start out with. Peppermint, Frankincense and Helichrysum. These are anti-inflammatory and have helped me on a daily basis. I use frankincense on a daily basis! If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me janelle@thepeacefulhaven.com

      1. Is there a recipe that you use in a roller ball so that it is easier to do? If I have to get out all my oils everyday, it just doesn’t get done. How much of each do you use and where do you put it on your body?

        1. I don’t have a recipe to put in roller balls but You could pick your top 3 oils and tap them on every day. I love Frankincense, Peppermint and Helichrysum …you could put these in a roller to make it easier to use. Thanks for taking the time to comment and please let me know if you find a roller recipe that works well for you.

        2. I make a Anti-Inflammatory Lotion that could be a roller if somene chose to do that. I think a lotion covers a larger area of discomfort. In my essential oil blend I use: Deep Blue, Basil, Bergamont and Lemongrass. Works wonderful

          1. Thank you so much for that suggestion, Marie! I know it will be a blessing!

  4. Can you help me? I have at least 2 autoimmune diseases. One is CIDP and the other mayostia Gravis. I have been sick for 39 years and have tried both holistic as well as western medicine. Not sure if you can help but appreciate anything you can do for me. Thanks!

    1. Hi Dale,
      Thanks for your comment. I recommend a combination of diet and natural medicine moving onto to drug therapy in rare cases. For nutrition I encourage people to practice a Gluten Free diet and then moving on to the Autoimmune Paleo Diet. These have been a help to me as have essential oils. Essential oils have helped me relieve symptoms. If you would like to email me at janelle@thepeacefulhaven.com I can give you more specifics. Praying for you as you battle on!

      1. Hi Dale,
        My son has CIDP and was completely paralyzed a year ago. I started giving him Copaiba, a couple drops a day internally, and while his progress has been slow, in the past few weeks he has begun walking again. I also use a lot of the ones Janelle mentioned, and one of my favorite combinations for my son, both for nerve regrowth as well as nerve pain has been Basil, lemon, helichrysm, black pepper, and geranium. I put it in coconut oil and would massage his legs every time he complained of pain. He began sleeping through the night for the first time in forever!

        1. Thanks so much for sharing your story Rebecca!

  5. Thank you for your information. I have psoriasis and PA. Our oil we go to for most pain issues is lemon grass. We are pretty new into the oil but boy have we been amazed by them.

    1. Lemongrass is wonderful! Thanks for your comment and I am so glad you are finding relief from your symptoms!!

  6. Hello Janelle,

    May I ask you, how do you use the essential oils daily? How many times do you apply? And do you use all of the essential oils all together? Because i think i have gout or maybe rheumatic symptom around joints and muscle in the hips, legs and also my feets. Thank you soo much for your time. May God Bless you 🙂

    1. Hi Jim,
      Thank you for your kind comment. I use essential oils in two ways. One is my morning routine where I do use multiple oils on different parts of my body. Always remembering that “less is more” when applying essential oils. The other way I use essential oils is the relieve symptoms and I use them as needed. I use an essential oil blend called deep blue that helps with joint pain. It is made by doTerra. I think the Young Living also has a similar oil blend (I am just having trouble remembering the name 🙂 ). Please let me know if I can be of any further help and I pray you will be pain free soon!

  7. I have Hashimotos and read earlier comments regarding use of peppermint, frankincense and helichrysum. Are there specific areas you apply oils for optimal results?

  8. Hi Paulette,
    I like to apply oils on the bottom center of my feet…for my thyroid I apply directly on top of my thyroid. Remember…a little drop of oil goes a long way! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. I want to know which you use internally. I am a fibro warrior now dealing with osteoarthritis as well. I have started reading and know copaiba and and grapefruit will be good. I really appreciate it. Feel free to email me.

    1. I like peppermint for an anti-inflammatory essential oil. It is my favorite! I apply it to the painful area as well as take it internally. (If you are taking essential oils internally make sure the brand that you are using states that it is OK for internal use. A lot of brands of essential oils state on the bottle NOT FOR INTERNAL USE.) I also like a product called Deep Blue by doTerra that helps with pain. I hope this will be of some help on your journey towards health!

  10. I see you recommend frankenscence and helichrysum but when I look them up on Rocky Mountain oils website there are two different types with prices differing greatly. Any advise? I am looking for help with autoimmune issues.

  11. Hi Anne,
    I use doTerra oils however, I have heard great things about Rocky Mountain Oils. I just hopped over to their website and read the differences. For the helichrysum, I would start with either one and see what works best. For the frankincense, I would recommend the sacred…which happens to be the more expensive. I hope this helps!

  12. I am confused. I’ve read that any oils that say they are antibacterial, antioxidants, or antimicrobial support the immune system. And are bad for autoimmune problems. For 2 wks, I’ve been taking 16 types of cooking spice oils, plus lavender & geranium. I take a couple drops of each from 8 of them in the am and then the same from the other half in the pm (energy am / stress relief pm). Now, I’m getting worst. I’ve had full body spasms and now they are painful. So many of them say they are antinflammitories, but also (the above). An immunity blend has cinnamon, lemon and clove. But they’re all anti-inflammitories. I don’t know what to take. Should I just quit for a while and let my body calm down? Which ones are safe?

    1. Hi Cheri,
      First, I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering! I have been there! I am not a medical professional but I would always advise listening to your body. It could be a lot of different issues. You could have an allergy to certain oils…could be how the oils were distilled? To many anti-inflammatories can cause the opposite result when dealing with autoimmune diseases. I would recommend seeking out the help of a certified naturopath with the cooperation of your general practicioner. This is personally how I work my health. I do not know where you are located but I see Dr. Trudy Piper in Johnstown OH. She may be willing to do a phone consult?

  13. Hi. I have hash and am on synthroid. I spent 5 years on tamoxifen and am now off of that. in the course of the 5 years around year 3 my gums started getting really bad- i have very clean mouth, see my dentist 3 x a year, etc, but i could not control the blisters that would form on my gums, blocked salivary glands, painful burning when i would break the blisters- i told my dr last that i might have sjorgrens? I was also just treated for lyme- dont know if this is hormonal, from the tamoxifen or auto immune – i eat GF, organic, dairy and sugar free, vegetarian.
    I juice, eat well drink water etc- is there an oil that can help me?? I am a Christian and i am trusting in the Lord to do for me what no one else has been able to do.

  14. Hi Jeannie,
    Sounds like you are doing everything right. I am not a doctor just a fellow autoimmune sufferer. If I could recommend one oil. I would start with frankincense. I also love peppermint. Check out the research on both these oils before proceeding. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I have a question about Frankencense. I too have Hashimotos. I have heard that Frankencense is good for Hoshimotos patients, but is also an “immune booster”. If Frankencense is an immune booster, how does it keep from causing an auto-immune response for those who suffer from auto-immune disorders?

    1. That is a great question. We absolutely have to be careful about over stimulating the auto-immune response. I am not certain why frankincense is ok and why other things like echinacea are not ok? I am under the care of a naturopath who does most of the research on what reduces inflammation but does not cause an autoimmune response. I personally use frankincense, Pau Darco tea, red clover tea and colostrum on a daily basis. The problem as I see it, is that each one of our bodies are made differently. Please proceed carefully! I will try to research this more in the future so stay tuned…thanks for your comment.

  16. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 9 years ago. I take a nerve suppressant that helps some, but I still have residual pain. I am allergic to narcotic pain medications (I consider that a blessing and a curse) so I have had to find holistic ways to treat my pain.

    A large part of my treatment plan includes essential oils. I too use DoTerra oils and I use them four different ways; topically, internally, diffuse and for soaking. I use a blend topically on a daily basis that includes frankincense, lemongrass, and wintergreen. I take peppermint and deep blue internally. If I’m flaring and need something a bit stronger, I will take a detox bath using Epsom Salt, baking soda and sea salt along with frankincense, lemongrass, white fir and cypress. I diffuse frankincense and lavender. I also use On Guard from DoTerra, I find that it keeps me from getting sick even when everyone around me is sick.
    I started getting Chinese fire cupping done right around the time I was diagnosed with fibro. I go for a treatment about every six weeks. This, along with essential oils, has helped me to live a much fuller life than I was living before I started using them.

    1. Hi, Cinda…thank you for this GREAT advice! Essential Oils have been such a blessing to me as I journey towards better health. I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to share this information with my readers. I know it will be a great help to someone!

  17. Callie Sederquist


    Your blog has been really helpful. My daughter was just diagnosed with SJIA. Which is an autoimmune disorder and inflammation. I want to create a rollerball essential oil mixture for her. What do you recommend for this? I did look at the two lists you have for this but seems like a lot.

    1. Hi Callie,
      I am so thankful you have found The Peaceful Haven helpful! I would suggest trying individual oils first to see what feels best to her. Then use three to make a blend. For me, My big three essential oils for inflammation are Peppermint, Frankincense and Helichrysum. Please keep me posted on your daughters journey!

  18. Copabia is a great essential oil for inflammation. I put 2 drops under my tongue twice a day. Copabia also helps drive an oil deeper so if you put on lemongrass and wait 5-10 minutes and then put on copabia, then it will drive lemongrass deeper into the cells. Deep relief works great for pain. I also use Immupower with fractionated coconut oil and rub on my liver nightly to boost my immune system. Taking tumetic twice a day helps with inflammation. Epsom salt baths are great. Hydrotherapy is helpful. Using ice packs instead of heat is extremely helpful. Going to a chiropractor to align your body is extremely beneficial so that your oils and supplements transition through your body with minimal interruption. Adding milk thistle 200-300 mg daily to detox the poison from our body. That’s just a start, but maybe it can help someone.

    1. Thanks for your comment Jill! Great advice here and I know it will be a blessing to others!

  19. Very helpful, thanks!! I just discovered I cannot do wintergreen oil. I have to stay away from aspirin and recently learned wintergreen contains the main ingredient that is in aspirin – salicylate. A friend of mine made me a roller blend with PanAway and Copaiba (with a carrier oil) and my throat started closing up immediadetely. PanAway has wintergreen in it! I didn’t know about the wintergreen potency before she made this for me. Ironically I heard it mentioned in an oil video I was watching.

    All this to say, check ingredients carefully if you have any sensitivities or allergies. I have two anti-inflammatory issues and am double checking every oil now just to be extra safe. But I do love the benefits of using oils! I hope this wintergreen info helps someone else and maybe prevents some unnecessary bad reactions. Additionally, I’ve read Birch oil is also in the same category as Wintergreen.

  20. I’ve heard that people taking medications for high blood pressure should not eat grapefruit or drink the juice. But do you think it is safe to use grapefruit essential oil even though I am on HBP meds?

    1. I would check with your doctor Laura, when in doubt always check in with your doctor!

  21. Very nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case, I will be subscribing to your RSS feed and I hope you write again very soon!

    1. Anne, thank you for your kind words!

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