I asked my daughter Kylie, who is 24 and autistic what essential oils have helped her cope with the “CRAZY” world she has to live in.  So, for the record, she helped with this post and I want to give credit where credit is due.  I feel that professionals are wonderful and have been a blessing to us over the years but I think that it is better to ask an individual that actually has autism about what is effective for him or her than relying solely on a medical professional for help. We are happy to present you with 7 Helpful Essential Oils for Autism!
It is our prayer that this post will help families, children, and adults with autism have more success in dealing with the sometimes stressful and confusing world they live in. Â We pray it will help day-to-day tasks become less stressful and that using essential oils will empower the individual with autism to help manage their own behavior.
Kylie and I both LOVE essential oils!! We both feel that the use of essential oils has been very helpful and when we think of how much they have helped us it makes us smile!
7 Helpful Essential Oils for Autism
Balance– for grounding mood and hormones.
Elevation– for emotional well-being and is especially good to use when your child is perseverating or obsessing.
Frankincense – helps children focus which is helpful for accomplishing schoolwork successfully and also for staying on task.
Ylang Ylang – a calming oil  – a great oil to use when going to a new place or even trying a new activity.
Adaptiv – for anxiety and depression. We use a supplement that has the neurotransmitter GABA in it.
Vetiver – to calm one’s nerves so that one can relax also great for concentration.
1. There are no side effects only side benefits!
2. I believe that the use of essential oils gives autistic children a feeling of control over the issues he or she is having.
3. Essential oils are 100% natural and safe, more effective than many modern medical approaches to health problems, and they are cheaper than traditional medical care!
For quick easy application, I apply them to the bottom of our feet, we also use oils in a diffuser. Â Remember that less is more when using essential oils.

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If you would like to know more about what Kylie thinks about having autism, check out our book Chosen.
What oils do you use that are effective with autism?

*This post may contain affiliate links. Â Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!
*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Essential oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of any essential oil.
This is a good one. Also asking for others to input is great.
Thanks! I want to always keep learning!
This is so informative! We are just starting our essential oil journey with Young Living and I am so excited to put them to the test. I heard that those with Autism can really benefit and I am so excited to give them a try! I am so thankful you shared this post at the Sat. Soiree & Social Media Share!
Thanks Sarah! I am so glad you are getting started using essential oils! I think Young Living is an excellent company. The names of the oils are doTerra but I know that Young Living has the same blends. I would be interested in knowing what they are…I will have to do some more research 🙂
Can I mix those oils together in a roller bottle?
I love Essential Oils!! I now am purchasing my oils from Melaleuca.com. I love their EO line called PURE. As yes they are all 100% pure and a lot less expensive than DoTerra and Young Living. They are not multi level marketing companies.
Hi Salli,
Thanks for your comment! I have been hearing a lot about EO essential oils. I encourage anyone to use essential oils no matter what the brand. We have allergies so we use doTerra oils because of their testing. We have to make sure that the oils we use are organic and tested and retested for purity. thank you for taking the time to comment!
I am a teacher in an autism classroom and I keep all of the oils you mentioned on hand! I also love the Peaceful Child Blend and Serenity. I usually diffuse Serenity, but I do also switch it up with Ylang Ylang, Balance, or Elevation. I diffuse citrus oils in my home, but have not used them in my classroom yet. I think I’ll give it a try tomorrow!
Hi Stefanie,
First I want to thank you for being a teacher and even more in an autism classroom! You are on the frontline and I appreciate all of your very hard work! I have found that these oils have helped my daughter so much…well, me too! She now directs the use and asks for which oil she thinks she needs. She is 25 years old though. I think it makes her feel empowered to help herself. Please keep me posted on how you think things are going for the kids in your classroom when you use the oils. I would love to hear about their opinions and how they respond!
Curious do you use the oils individually and layer them or…
Hi Melissa,
I use them both ways. In the morning, I layer my essential oils on. However, when I use them on my daughter with autism I usually use one at a time. She also has access to the oils herself and when she feels she needs a specific oil she applies it herself with supervision. I hope this will help. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Would you say that a child with learning difficulties could also benefit from these oils and could they all be put into a roller bottle? If so how many drops each I use Doterra.
Hi Heather,
Yes, each of these oils can be used with children with learning difficulties. I have a daughter with dyslexia who has benefited from these oils as well. I personally use each one of the oils listen myself to help aid my concentration issues:) Each of these oils can be put in a roller bottle. I like roller bottles for the ease but I struggle to manage dosage using them. I would start with a roller ball “tap” instead of a “swipe”. I hope this makes sense… Then increase the dosage as needed. doTerra just cam out with a roller ball kit. http://www.doterratools.com/documents/d%C5%8DTERRA_Touch_Kit_Product_Information_Page.pdf Thanks for taking the time to comment and please let me know if you have any other questions please let me know.
Thanks for posting this. I have had a hard week with my 9yo with hfa. I looked at some diet options but they spoke of curing the autism. My son is who he is because of autism. I don’t want to cure it I just want to help him with the difficult parts. He has gifts he’d never have without autism. It’s so nice to read a similar view and get some ideas for helping him. Thanks again Amanda
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for your encouraging comment! It sounds like you and I are on the same page. I also understand those hard weeks…praying for you! Please let me know if I can help in any other way.
I’m really interested to read your book actually. We are really just starting our journey. My son was only diagnosed about a year ago. Some days it is a wonderful journey when he does something completely unexpected that a ‘nuerotypical’ would never consider. But then there are the hard days where your child does things no other kid would do either and you have other parents with no understanding of what is going on.
It is a journey but a good one! That doesn’t mean that it is an easy one. My daughter is 25 now and we still have those hard days where I am not sure I can take another moment. However, the bad days are much fewer and she continues to grow and learn. She challenges me daily to rely on God and enjoy the journey. If given a choice I would still choose to have a child with autism. She has taught me so many precious things. Thanks for taking the time to comment Amanda!
Very helpful post, I definitely love this web site! Thank you!
I am so very thankful you found the post helpful!