Fall is a great time to do some fun and (if you give it some thought) money-saving activities in your garden.  Get the family involved too!  Many hands make light work.

I have compiled a Fall Gardening To-Do List that is SIMPLE enough for children and parents alike can find some things on it to work on in the garden this Autumn.



Fall Gardening To Do List


1. Since we don’t use any pesticide on our lawn we don’t have to do any applications!  We do, however, put some grass seed down in areas of the grass that is looking a bit bare.

2. Rake or mow all your leaves and put them in your compost bins.  DO NOT THROW OUT YOUR LEAVES!  I made my compost bins out of wood pallets and I tied them together with wire.  I have three compost bins sitting neatly in the back of my garage.

3. If you have a garden, keep harvesting those vegetables.  You can plant a fall crop of vegetables or put the garden bed to rest for the Winter. Cool-weather crops include spinach, lettuce, and broccoli.   Top your garden with Fall leaves and chicken or cow manure (if you can get your hands on it) and cover with plastic for the Winter.  You will be composting all Winter long and you will have great soil in the Spring!

4. Before cutting back your flowers, decide which seed heads you want to save and save them in airtight jars. Seed Saving will save you money too! Making sure they are completely dry before placing them in the storage jars.  I also sprinkle the seed heads on the spot of soil I want them to grow the next year.  This works especially well with plants like Black-Eyed Susans!  Speaking of seeds, remember to collect the nuts and pinecones you have access to…the nuts you can eat and the rest you can make crafts with!

5.  Cut back your flowers except for roses, butterfly bushes and any flowers with seeds that you want to keep for the birds in Winter.  I leave my Purple Coneflowers for the birds.

6.  Empty last year’s compost onto your flower beds or put the freshly mown leaves on all your beds.  LEAVES ARE FREE!

7. Divide your plants in the Autumn.  Hostas, Peonies, and most other plant root balls can be divided and planted in bare spots in your flower garden or given away to friends. After transplanting make sure to keep your plants watered!

8. Divide flower bulbs that have been in one spot for more than four years.  Take the extra bulbs and spread throughout the yard in your flower beds.  You will have such an amazing display of Spring flower blooms if you do this every couple of years and all for FREE!

9. Plant trees and shrubs.  Most trees do exceptionally well being planted in the Fall.  There are a few that do not and are best planted in the Spring.  Those include Magnolias, Firs, Birches, Pears, and Hemlocks.  After transplanting make sure to keep your plants watered!

10. Cut back your herbs and dry all the herb leaves or roots for winter cooking!  I once again have used free wood pallets to make a giant drying rack in my garage.  Dried Herbs make great gifts too!  You can also make your own Organic Herbal Tea Mix for gifts!  Organically grown herbs are very expensive so most people really appreciate the gift!






Now, sit back and enjoy the rest of the Fall weather and look forward to the first snowfall!


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What’s on your Fall Gardening To-Do List?




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Thanks Janelle! oh yes I need a to do list. Procrastinating a lot at the moment 🙂

    1. Hi Veronique…for the record I am procrastinating a bit this year too 🙂 I hope the list will be a blessing to you!

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