There are a lot of considerations when making creamy homemade yogurt…

Raw milk, organic, low pasteurized or regular, skim or whole milk?  The choices you make directly affect the quality of your product.  However, the method is the same.  Making yogurt is easy!  

When I was young my mom made her own yogurt and I have done the same over the years.  Confession,  I don’t always make my yogurt from scratch but when I do I am delighted by the results.   In our family, we eat this creamy sensation on a daily basis.  I have unsweetened yogurt with blueberries many mornings for breakfast.  YUM!   Yogurt is wonderful topped with granola.   Double YUM!

There are a few ways to make homemade yogurt and I have tried them all.  My favorite way is with a cooler in glass canning jars.   I have never had a failed batch when I made it this way.   Put the yogurt in the cooler the night before and have fresh yogurt for breakfast the next morning for breakfast.


Creamy Homemade Yogurt

1 quart



stainless steel pot

stainless steel whisk


2 quarts boiling water

4 glass jelly-size canning jars and lids



1-quart milk or non-dairy milk like almond milk.

1/2 cup yogurt or yogurt starter



  1. Pour the milk into the pot and simmer on low heat until the temperature reaches 180 degrees.  You can use a thermometer to measure the temperature or heat the milk until it begins to simmer.  Remove the pot from heat and cool it down to 110 degrees.
  2. Add yogurt or yogurt starter to the warm milk and whisk together until the milk mixture is smooth.
  3. Pour into 4 glass canning jars and screw the lids on.   Place the jars in the cooler.
  4. Pour 2 quarts of boiling water into the cooler.  Close the lid and let sit for at least 10 hours.




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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I admit I use a yogurt maker, but I put a bowl of sour cream on top to set while the yogurt ferments. Double yum!

    1. Double YUM is right…homemade sour cream! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  2. I look forward to trying it! I am a huge yogurt fan. There is nothing like the sweet taste of fresh homemade yogurt!

    1. I agree, Christine…I have yogurt every morning for breakfast with blueberries in it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I am so thrilled I found your webpage! Thank you for all the fantastic recipes, my family is really enjoying them!

    1. I am so thankful you are enjoying my recipes!!!

  4. When making yogurt can you add vanilla while heating them milk?

    1. Yes, Kyra, you most definitely can!

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