3 Life-Changing Ways To Slow Down, let’s just start by admitting that it is a hard process to quit BUSY and replace it with SLOW.  Intentionality is the key to beginning this beautiful journey.  Take a deep breath and acknowledge that there is a sacredness in the everyday things of life. 

I love this quote from Peter Scazzero, “Jesus moved slowly, not striving or rushing. He patiently waited through his adolescent and young adult years to reveal himself as the Messiah. Even then he did not rush to be recognized. He waited patiently for his Father’s timing during his short ministry.”

I know what you are thinking, “Rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off is just my life right now and there is simply no way to stop it”!  Well, if you didn’t want things to change then I doubt you would have clicked on this link to inquire about 3 Life-Changing Ways To Slow Down.  Now, that I have you here,  I am excited to share with you 3 ways that I have implemented in my own life to slow down my pace and enjoy the life God has given me.


I found this definition for the word RUSH in Miriam Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.


RUSH, v.i.
1. To move or drive forward with impetuosity, violence, and tumultuous rapidity; as armies rush to battle; waters rush down a precipice; winds rush through the forest. We ought never to rush into the company, much less into a religious assembly.
2. To enter with undue eagerness, or without due deliberation and preparation; as to rush into business or speculation; to rush into the ministry.


The stressful emotion that occurred in me while reading the definition of the word RUSH caused me to think about how much damage is being caused by this confusing behavior.   If only reading the definition of the word caused me angst then actually engaging in the behavior can cause real havoc on all areas of our lives, especially our health.

I have found through personal experience that being too busy steals the JOY out of life and makes you sick.  I have observed that mothers seem to be especially susceptible to these qualities.  It doesn’t have to be this way though and with a few tips, we can all “stop and smell the roses” again!


3 Life-Changing Ways To Slow Down


3 Life-Changing Ways To Slow Down


  • THINK     Yep,  stop and think, be intentional.  Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and sit down to think and pray about what aspects of your life are going well and what are not.  Ask God to help you discern what activities are pleasing to Him and what areas need to change.   Here is a hint, rushing is not from God.  Nowhere in scripture do we see that rushing around is exemplified as good quality.  Those activities that are causing you to be busy may have to be eliminated for you and your family’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
  •  SIMPLIFY      What would it take to simplify just one area of your life? Let’s say children’s extracurricular activities or serving at church.  It has been helpful to me to use the phrase “Just pick one”.   Each of my 6 children is only allowed to have one extracurricular activity.  I only volunteer in one ministry at church.  Now, over the years some of my kids have picked many different activities to participate in while some others have stuck to just one.  I have been able to serve in many different ministries at church but only one at a time.  This principle can be used to simplify most areas of your life and will lead to the beautiful practice of  Christ-Centered Slow Living.
  • COMMITMENT     Commit to quit being busy and stop rushing.  Think about your daily schedule and see how you can build in extra time so that you won’t have to rush.  (You will have to cut out some things but I promise it will be worth it).  Build-in time for unexpected things to occur.  It is in those very moments of surprise that we can make some wonderful and sometimes funny memories with our children, spouses, and friends.   Raise your right hand and repeat after me…”I solemnly swear, to slow down and that I will never RUSH again”.   Replace BUSY with words like thriving, health, prosper, slow, and joy.   Your family will thank you for it!


Like any new habit, it will take practice.   You will be running late one day and be tempted to rush but then remember you committed to participate in Christ-Centered Slow Living.   You will take a deep breath, slow down, and enjoy life more!


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What do you do to slow down your life?







Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. C'est ici Publissoft France

    I am thankful that I noticed this website, just the right information that I was searching for! .

    1. So glad you found The Peaceful Haven too! Hope you found this helpful.

  2. Nice post! Thank you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by The Peaceful Haven, Lisa!

  3. I am so thankful that the Lord led me to this website. My husband and a good friend have been telling me for years that I’m too busy and always rushing. I refused to believe or accept it. These articles on Christ centered slow living have both blessed and convicted me. I’m looking forward to the changes the Holy Spirit will lead me to make. Thank you!

    1. I am so very happy you found the post helpful and encouraging and welcome to The Peaceful Haven!

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