Sometimes I think we make family devotions so complicated!  In reality, teaching our children about Jesus can and must take many forms.  Taking into consideration each of your precious, children’s learning styles is also important. Successful family worship does take a bit of planning, so making sure that your children are absorbing the information, is time well spent.  I am excited to share with you how to make family devotions fun today.  

I need to be honest with you, as a mom of six, my husband and I have had plenty of family devotion fails. However, we are lifetime learners and have been parents for 31 years so we’ve gleaned from God’s wisdom on the topic as well as learned from our mistakes.



Make Family Devotions Fun



This is traditionally what we think of when we hear the word family devotions or family worship.  A family gathered around the father of the family reading the Bible.  I do not want to discourage this practice but praise it!  Here’s an idea to incorporate for restless children and parents.  Grab some crayons and paper and have your children draw what they are hearing about in the Bible.  This simple act can transform learning Bible truths from passive to active.  Another option is to alternate between Bible reading and reading Christian literature.  Think about missionary stories or fantasy like The Chronicles of Narnia.  For more book recommendations click HERE!



Going for a family walk makes learning about God so much fun!  Any nature activity that you can find can indeed be adapted to include Jesus.  God the great creator made absolutely everything!  Celebrate his creation through observation of his flowers, trees, and animals.  Go on a nature scavenger hunt,  Take a prayer walk. Collect pinecones, acorns, leaves, flowers, grasses, and bark to make beautiful, one-of-a-kind crafts displaying the glory of God.  



Make Family Devotions Fun



Oh, I love a good Bible game!  My children still get together every other week to play board games, even though they are all grown and some do not live at home anymore.  They have an exorbitant amount of fun memories playing games for their special time and for family worship. The fact is kids learn more when they are interested in either the topic or the method.  Games are a great way to teach scriptural principles as well as make family memories that will last a lifetime!    I do have my favorites of course and they are all made by Bible Games Central.  They produce high-quality games and carry a wide assortment, They even produce special faith-based holiday games!  I’m personally loving The Good Shepard Game right now!  



Make faith real by serving together as a family.  It can be as simple as bringing a box of popsicles to the park with preprinted Bible verses to pass out to children and adults.  Work at your church’s food pantry or attend an outreach ministry event.  Rake your neighbor’s leaves, go on a secret mission and leave money in an envelope of money under a widow’s doormat or stuck under her door!  When you see someone begging, stop and give them a Wendys’ gift card. (We try to keep a couple in our vehicles at all times.)



You shall teach them diligently to your children,

and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,

and when you walk by the way, and when

you lie down, and when you rise.

Deuteronomy 6:7




What are your tips for making Family Devotions fun? 




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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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