The meaning of GREEN?
Words mean different things to different people. As a mother of an autistic daughter, I find myself talking about the definition of words on a daily basis. Communication can be confusing.
Here at The Peaceful Haven, I write about all topics pertaining to Homemaking. One of the things I write about is GREEN living from a Christian perspective. The word GREEN means different things depending on your background and can either entice you or turn you away from the issue. It is a hot topic…
For clarity, I wanted to give you my definition of GREEN living.
At The Peaceful Haven GREEN simply means LIFE-GIVING. When I refer to GREEN in a blog post I mean it is a healthy, non-toxic, non-allergic option. The ingredients do not cause harm but rather induce health and wellness.
The Meaning Of Green
Carcinogens = A substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.
Developmental/Reproductive Toxicants = Chemicals that damage the normal development of a fetus, infant or child or damage reproductive tissue.
Endocrine Disrupters = Chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in people.
Natural = Created by God, existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
Pesticides = A chemical used to kill insects, animals or plants.
Teratogens = An agent or chemical that causes malformation of a child in utero.
It is important that all our choices in how we make a home are life-giving. Our family is counting on us to take the time to make sure our homes bring only good to those who enter.
Wishing each of you a Happy, Healthy, and GREEN life!
Great clarifying post, Bless you!