Let’s simplify things, shall we?  The Mission of Motherhood is to make dedicated disciples of Christ.

Now that we know what it is, let’s take a look at what the mission of motherhood is NOT.

It is NOT making sure your child is the best at everything, rather it is teaching them to understand that they were created by God with a purpose and that anything they accomplish is because of the goodness of Christ.  It is NOT putting your child in the most prestigious schools, it is rather teaching children that education is a gift from God and that it is their responsibility to make the most of what God has given them.  It is NOT about giving your children things or experiences or even providing them with fashionable clothes or technology.  It is rather about spending time with your kids. Lots and lots of time, cleaning the house together, cooking together, taking walks, and reading together.  Teaching your children about who God is and telling your kids what God is teaching you.  Laughing together!



Deuteronomy 6:7

 You shall teach them diligently to your children,

and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,

and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down,

and when you rise.



The mission of motherhood is every bit as important as the work foreign missionaries do.  We are daily in the trenches preaching the gospel to our children. The next generation of believers is counting on us!  Our mission will affect every choice we make on our kids’ behalf.  It will affect our choices for their education, the extracurricular activities they participate in, and the way your family spends its time.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to make dedicated disciples for Christ out of your children if you don’t spend time with them.




34 minutes: The amount of time the average family gets to spend together each day.

-The Highland Springs Group



Ladies, 34 minutes is NOT enough time!

The question becomes how can we as mothers, do what we are called to do, and MAKE DISCIPLES?  Now, here is the hard part!  It doesn’t matter if you work outside the home or are a WAHM, or a stay-at-home mother the call is the same.  This should cause us to rally together to help each other not divide us.  Take a look at what other mothers God has placed in your life and ask yourself how can you work together to encourage each other in this critical mission.




I challenge each of you to take a look at the following areas of your children’s lives.







If you are serious about making dedicated disciples out of your children? Make no mistake, there will be a cost.  There will be a financial cost, the cost of your precious time, and a sacrifice of your interests.



Matthew 28:19

 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, 

baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,




Are you willing to do what it takes to pass on the faith to your children?  What changes will you be making to accomplish this?



Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I appreciate this post. I recently dropped my full time job to part time hours and took a cut in pay to homeschool my boys. I know in the end that providing them with my time and effort will make a huge difference in their lives. I know that passing on the good news of God is my mission and I hope to fulfill it in the best way that I know how to do.

    1. I couldn’t have said it better Melissa! Praying for you on this most exciting and fulfilling journey!!

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