Living on one income can make you extremely creative!  It also allows you to work hard, think in new ways, and permit you to do what God has called you to do.   In my case, living on one income has allowed me to stay home, educate, and raise my six children.  What a privilege!  I am excited to help you do the same thing with these 10 Money-Saving Resources you can’t live without!

Making ends meet has been and continues to be a real challenge, things are much harder than they were 25 years ago when I started my frugal living journey!  I have thought long and hard about what resources have been the most helpful over the years and have put together these excellent resources! Some books are recent publications and others are classics. It is my prayer, that these resources will encourage and equip you to live a God-honoring and fulfilling life!



10 Money-Saving Resources You Can’t Live Without


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

Dave Ramsey is legendary, and his ministry has helped my husband and I make sound decisions and learn the basics of money.  Check out the Complete Guide To Money!  It will help inspire you and sustain you!


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

In my early days of marriage, the young moms at my church formed a coupon club and we each read The three-volume set of The Tightwad Gazette.  It has now been turned into one large tome filled with tons of thrifty ideas.  You will get your money back ten times over after purchasing this book even if you only use a quarter of these imaginative ideas.  The illustrations are fantastic too!


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

It should be no surprise that Dave Ramsey made the list twice.  My husband and I took Financial Peace University in a small group at our church.  This is a hopeful and detailed program to get even the worst debt-ridden families the help they need.  No shame just real help! Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Membership Kit even comes with materials including the member workbook, Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money, and the envelope system. The workbook follows along with each video lesson, highlighting valuable information and providing space for you to record key takeaways.

The best-selling book, Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money, provides you with practical answers to the “How?” “What?” and “Why?” questions about money. And finally, the envelope system is Dave’s easy-to-use cash management system: Put money in. Take money out. Stay on budget! Financial Peace University now includes *NEW—One-year access to online video lessons *NEW—One-year subscription to EveryDollar Plus *NEW—Debt snowball tool.


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

The Treasure Principle is a heartfelt and beautifully written book about God’s view of money.  This is a quick read that provides the knowledge you need to help you in viewing and using your finances in God’s way.  Enter into the joy of giving!



10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance: A Visual Reference for Everything You Need to Know is just a wonderful book for all those who are visual learners and find grasping personal finance difficult.  I enjoyed looking through the infographics and found them easy to understand.  You will like this book!



10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

This book does exactly what it says it will do, Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half!  Simple, easy to read, and practical.  Apply these money-saving tips and reap the benefits!


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

Crystal Paine, who has helped busy women everywhere take control of their finances, presents her most effective strategies designed for families of all sizes and income levels. The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is chocked full of hundreds of inspiring “why didn’t I think of that?” tips, plus worksheets, Crystal (AKA Money Saving Mom) locks down your goals into easy, manageable steps so you can live simply, pay down your debt and never pay retail again!


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

Money Secrets Of The Amish by Lorilee Craker is a joy to read.  I feel fortunate to live in Ohio where many Amish families are living and I enjoy the benefits of this simple culture.  This book typifies Christ-Centered Slow Living through the many examples of how the Amish live simply, sharing what they have, and saving for the future.


10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

I stumbled on Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments For Making Money while perusing Dave Ramsey’s website.  He highly recommends this book and I do too.  I learned more about the Bible and how it views money than any other book I have ever read.  I have since heard Rabbi Daniel Lapin speak and he is just as funny, smart, and engaging in real life.



10 Money-Saving Resources You Can't Live Without

Little House Living: The Make-Your-Own Guide to a Frugal, Simple, and Self-Sufficient Life is not just a pretty coffee table book!  It clearly shows you how to achieve a frugal life.  This beautiful book provides you with all the homemade projects and recipes you will need to live a simple beautiful life!



Are you looking for more ways to save money?  CLICK HERE!

Looking for Simple Short Christian Book Reviews?  Click HERE!




How do you save money?






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Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I love Dave Ramsey! Someone gave us his book for our wedding and it was one of the best wedding gifts we received! I’m headed to go check out your other suggestions!

  2. Thanks Kristie! We LOVE Dave! I love the idea of giving his books as wedding gifts. Since finances are said to break up many marriages I think it is a tremendous idea for a wedding present. I plan to stock up and start giving them out as wedding presents from now on. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  3. Great choices!

  4. Thanks for the great list of resources, I haven’t read some of these and can’t wait to get started.

    1. You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy learning from these wonderful resources!

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