The Morning Snuggle…

I awoke this morning after a somewhat sad and disturbing weekend.

I did not even attempt to get out of bed before opening my Bible.  I have been re-reading Psalms over and over this year as so much has happened in life that has required me to seek God for my every need and to calm my anxious heart.  As usual, Jesus met me at that very moment and I was comforted.  A powerful washing and renewing of my mind took place and then peace!  Oh, how I am made well in those moments!

Not long after my youngest daughter woke up and came in to say good morning to me.  It has been our long tradition to have “the morning snuggle”.  We usually have it on the couch but this morning she climbed into bed with me, ah silence.   Then, a question.  “Mom, I want to serve God more but I don’t know how? “


Every time you make a cake for our family, save a baby bird or take out the trash at church you are serving God.  It is easy to think that we have to do big things for God and somehow the big things are more important.  They are not, every diaper that you change for a helpless baby, every runny nose you wipe, or the loads of laundry you do can be an act of worship if our heart is in the right place.


“Mom, sometimes I am worried I am not saved”  To which I replied, “What do you have to do to be saved?”  She responded, believe.  I asked her if she believed that Jesus really died on a cross two thousand years ago?  She said yes, I asked her if she believed that he died to save her from being separated from him and forgive her all the bad things she had done?  She said; “yes”  Then you are saved!  The gospel at its core is simplicity itself.  Ah,  sweet LOVE!

We got up and she helped me make my bed and we began our day together in unity and calm, resting in our salvation and our life of service to our KING.



What do you do to connect with your kids?




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. This is beautiful, what a great story of sharing God’s love and grace with your littles!! Visiting from Fellowship Friday!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Rachel and I appreciate your encouraging words!

  2. Found you on Fellowship Friday-
    What a sweet little reminder that serving, loving, and believing in God is simple. I needed this encouragement! Thank you.

    1. Hi Kelsey, Thank you for your encouraging words! I agree the gospel is simple…

  3. awwww… that is so sweet! I love her heart to want to do more. I would argue that you do have to do more than just believe (after all, even satan believes God exists…), but it looks like she is definitely on the right path.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Brittany…and your right after salvation we must show our deep love and appreciation by doing God’s will here on earth.

    1. Thank you, it’s ALL God!

  4. This is beautiful, thank you!

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The Peaceful Haven