I have been getting a lot of questions lately about using essential oils on a daily basis.  Having a daily essential oil routine is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I have one that I could not live without!  I use essential oils because there are no side effects only side benefits!  Essential oils are 100% natural, safe, and more effective than many modern medical approaches to health problems, and they are cheaper than traditional medical care too!

That said, the purpose of this post is to give you a model of a healthy person’s daily essential oil routine.  If you have specific health issues you would like to address please email me at thepeacefulhaven.com@gmail.com for specific health questions.


My Daily Essential Oil Routine


I start the day with Frankincense, applying to the bottom of my feet (in the arches) and my chest.  I pray for healing while I am applying the Frankincense.  Then, I apply Balance to the bottoms of my feet as well.  I adore the refreshing smell of this oil and quite frankly this oil “balances” me in every imaginable way!

I enjoy a morning glass of water with a swirl (I dip a toothpick into the essential oil jar and stir it into my water) of Lemon essential oil, so refreshing, rejuvenating, and a natural detoxifier to the body!

After coming downstairs I take my whole foods supplements, and I put essential oils in the diffuser, usually, Motivate or Peppermint and Citrus Bliss together.   It really depends on my mood.

While I am writing and the kids are doing homeschool, onGuard is a must in the diffuser to keep my family healthy, and I also like inTune if I am having trouble concentrating!

Peppermint is my “go-to” oil.  Oh, how I love Peppermint!  That oil makes me feel so much better and gets me through a tough day!  I use it for refreshment, indigestion, uplift my mood, to fix bad breath…  I also use DigestZen essential oil for digestive issues.

When I am feeling stressed or anxious it is Adaptiv to the rescue, I also take the Adaptive supplements daily with the neurotransmitter GABA in it.  I re-apply Balance to the bottoms of my feet as needed.

For pain, I use Copaiba and Deep Blue essential oils as well as Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex which have totally replaced my Advil habit!

Before bed, I enjoy a drop of Ylang-Ylang on my pillow.   I also diffuse Lavender, Serenity, or Cedarwood all night long for a restful night’s sleep.



At this point, you may be asking yourself why having a daily essential oil routine is important.  The simple reason is…because you are important, you have value, God made you with a purpose and you need to stay healthy to fulfill the call God has placed on your life.

Now the more complex reason.  Healthy Cells.  Our health is built on whether our cells are healthy or sick.  We know that the root cause of modern-day illnesses is inflammation.  Many essential oils help promote a healthy inflammatory response and can even cross the blood-brain barrier!  Good health starts with healthy cells and the secret to my essential oil routine is consistency!


Are you interested in reading more posts about essential oils?  Click HERE!


I hope this post will give you some ideas on how to incorporate essential oils into your daily life.  Praying they will be as much of a blessing for you as they have been for me and my family!


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What is your daily essential oil routine?





*This post may contain affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of any essential oil.




Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. I have psoriatic arthritis and I want to get off of my shots and I’ve been so many good things about essential oils. Can you tell me where you place the oil on your feet in the morning or does it matter? Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Sylvia,
      I place the oil on the center of the bottom of my feet. This area absorbs the essential oils the quickest…some people can even taste the oil in their mouth as quickly as one minute after application! Thanks for your comment!

  2. Hi Sylvia,
    I was wondering if you could tell me where to get the oils; tarragon, caraway, and anise. I’ve been using DoTerra but they don’t have these oils.
    Thank you

    1. I also use doTerra but I would see if you could order those from Young Living which at this point is the only other essential oil company I can recommend. Please let me know how you progress and thank you for your comment!

      1. Hi, Janelle! Have you researched Edens Garden oils? I have been using them and seeing some excellent results. Since they have cut out the middle man, their prices are very reasonable, and that helps me a lot, since we are a one-income family. Thanks for your peaceful haven blog!

        1. Hi Laura, Thanks for stopping by The Peaceful Haven! I have not checked out Edens Garden Oils but I definitely will. It would be great to have more options!

          1. Edens Garden recently formulated a synergy blend of oils that compares to doTerra’s Deep Blue blend. It’s great! It’s called Massage Therapy. https://www.edensgarden.com/products/massage-therapy

          2. Thanks for letting me know Laura!

  3. Essential oil is very good for health. specially when you used it as a routine. You made a good decision to use essential oil regularly. Thank you for your nice post. Keep it up and post more this types of article.

    1. I am so glad you liked the post Ammy! I will be posting more about essential oils monthly !

  4. I am curious in what ways you use peppermint…since its your go to. I haven’t been diagnosed with an autoimmune as of yet but suspect something.

    1. Hi Denean,
      I use Peppermint in several ways. I put a drop in my water if I have an upset stomach. If I feel off or tired I put a few drops in the palm of my hand and inhale, then rub the oil into the back of my neck. I also put it directly on the spot that is aching. I hope this will help and that you will feel better soon!

  5. Hi! I’m so thankful I found your blog! I am currently waiting on results to see if I have (and from what I read, I do) have Sjogren’s Syndrome. I don’t want a lot of medications for treatment, I’m a firm believer in Young Living Oils and will start there, but I was wondering if you use a carrier oil when you are applying them.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog!

    1. Hi Cassie, My daughter has Sjogren’s so I am very familiar with the disease! I do use a carrier oil with most of the oils listed. I especially do the first few times I use them. I like coconut oil or olive oil and recently have been trying grapeseed oil and I really like it! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Please check out By Faith essential oils and let me know what you think.

    1. Will do Danita! I love having options!

  7. Looks realy great! Thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Melanie!

  8. Thanks for another informative post!

    1. You are welcome, I’m working hard to bring you the current information!

  9. This is the best blog for any person who intends to discover essential oils. Tons of info…thank you!

    1. I am so thankful you have found The Peaceful Haven helpful!

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