I am so excited to share with you our family’s favorite gluten-free products!
I was on the phone with a dear friend yesterday talking about the process of going gluten-free. You see, her son just got his blood work back from the doctors and he has a long list of allergies. At the top of the list are gluten and dairy!
When you get the test results back from the doctor you are in one sense relieved because at least you have a place to start in the recovery of your health or your child’s health. On the other hand, you are completely overwhelmed by the daunting process of how you go about this!
I can remember how I felt 20 years ago when my daughter with autism was diagnosed with a severe allergy to gluten and casein (dairy protein). I was EXCITED to begin the journey of helping her but definitely OVERCOME with uncertainty! It was the same for me 5 years ago when I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
When “going gluten-free” I recommend replacing 2 products a week. For example, after looking at your menu you realize that you eat a lot of sandwiches and you eat cereal every morning for breakfast. The first week I would just find a gluten-free replacement for your bread and cereal. The next week I would go forward and replace two more products. A systematic approach lessens the overwhelmed feeling.
It would have been helpful to me to have someone write down what their favorite gluten-free products were. So with that in mind, I have compiled a shortlist of our family’s favorite gluten-free products.
Sandwich Bread

*This is a good deal but the best deal is at Costco! If you have a Costco near you get your bread there.
I don’t purchase cereal much but we love this one by Annies!
French Bread

*I can sometimes find these wonderful crackers at Costco for much less, keep a lookout, and purchase in bulk when they are in the store. This is better than grocery store prices.
Graham Crackers

I purchase a case at a time for these graham crackers, it’s cheaper and we go through them in the summer months making SMORES!
Brownie Mix

Almond Milk
*This is the best price I have seen!
Toaster Pastry
*This is the best price I have seen!
*This is the lowest price I can get them!
Bagel Chips
These vanish in minutes! That’s all I need to say…
My mouth is watering, we love these cookies! Try every single kind that Tate’s makes!
For more excellent deals consider an amazon prime membership which gives you free shipping! This can save you a lot of time and money!
I pray this list will be a help to those of you starting your gluten-free journey. Here’s to your good health!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!
Thank you for the great recommendations!
You are very welcome, stop by again and let me know what you think!