OK, I have 6 kids, two dogs, three cats, and a whole flock of chickens. A husband, I homeschool, one of my children is autistic, and I work as a blogger. I am not by any means a high-energy person, I am not a type-A person and I suffer from brain fog and feel I may have adult-onset ADD. That is why I am so excited to present to you 3 Ways To Have A Peaceful Morning!
The good news is that peaceful slow mornings are good for your health. Gently slowing down to intentionally give yourself a tranquil start to your day benefits your mind, body, and spirit. It also will prepare you for the beautiful work God has called you to.
Starting my morning off with God allows my whole day to continue in a peaceful way. I am a better mother and wife and more importantly a better servant of Christ. Practicing a morning routine helps me to achieve the Christ-centered slow life I desire.
3 Ways To Have A Peaceful Morning
Give yourself the gift of a morning devotional. Spending time with the Savior brings peace to your soul. If you were to drive by my house in the Spring, Summer, and Fall you would find me on my front porch engaged in morning prayer and devotion with a giant cup of coffee in hand. In the Winter, I get my cup of coffee head back to bed, and have my quiet time with the Lord there. I no longer have young children but when I did, I invited them to sit with me with their own Bible or devotional, even Bible coloring pages. Yes, there are interruptions with little ones but it is such a pleasure to worship God together.
Quietly play classical or worshipful music. It sets the tone for a relaxing and peaceful day. Not all classical music is relaxing so pick wisely. I use Spotify for all my music needs. Spotify allows you to make playlists and it travels with me wherever I go. For me, paying $4.99 a month is worth it, to listen without commercials and keeps my spirit focused on worship. Commercials seem to be the opposite of peace for me! They do have a FREE commercial version.
Get Up Early
Getting up early is hard at first, it has however transformed my ability to experience a peaceful morning. I also implemented the practice of preparing the night before. Not naturally organized, I have had to teach myself how to organize a large family. Just take a few minutes before you go to bed to set out what you need for the next day. Things will run smoother, I promise! I even treasure these peaceful early morning hours now! The quiet morning hours are healing.
Let me be clear, making your home a peaceful haven is directly linked to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. Isaiah 32:17. Righteousness in Jesus = PEACE.
How do you make your morning more peaceful?
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Hi Janelle,
I am a morning person so I wake up ready to go. During spring through fall, I start my mornings on a three mile walk with our Golden Retriever. I love looking at the beautiful sky while talking with God. During the winter months, I grab a cup of hot tea and my devotional. Then I will sit and stitch a patch or two. I cherish my morning time. If I don’t have it, I am usually out of sorts.
That sounds LOVELY Bridget! I usually have a pet or two with me every morning too!
Great advice, thank you!