Nearly all forms of healthcare in the United States can be broken down into one of two different categories: proactive and reactive.  Today, I am going to focus on the exciting and hopeful area of proactive healthcare.  


Proactive vs. Reactive Healthcare

Reactive healthcare involves reacting to symptoms, disease, injury, or condition. For example, my husband recently has had severe back pain. Because of the pain, he has seen both our family chiropractor and general practitioner. He was reacting to the symptoms of back pain.

Proactive healthcare differs from reactive simply because the action is taken before symptoms appear. Rather than waiting until my husband had severe back pain, he could have prevented the severity of his pain by exercising. You can take a proactive approach toward your health by boosting your immune system with a healthy diet, essential oils, supplements, and yes, exercise.

Most of the time, our behavior influences our health. We need both kinds of healthcare.


Data from: McGinnis J.M., Williams-Russo, P., Knickman, J.R. (2002). Health Affairs, 21(2), 83

Data from: McGinnis J.M., Williams-Russo, P., Knickman, J.R. (2002). Health Affairs, 21(2), 83


Healthcare Costs

Healthcare in the US costs an estimated $3 trillion annually and rising, which is twice as much as other developed nations. The expense of surgeries, prescription drugs, and other forms of treatment is placing a heavy financial burden on families. While there’s no way to completely eliminate these costs, there are ways to reduce them, one of which is through proactive healthcare.

 For the record, I use essential oils because there are no side effects only side benefits! Essential oils are 100% natural and safe, more effective than many modern medical approaches to health problems, and they are cheaper than traditional medical care!

So, how can you take a more proactive approach towards your health and wellness?



10 Proactive Healthcare Tips


  • Practice the Daily Dozen and the Clean Fifteen.
  • Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor, naturopath, or massage therapist.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a Mediterranean Diet.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Use essential oils to manage health issues a medical doctor has diagnosed.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables purchased at the supermarket to clean off pesticide residue or buy organic.
  • Maintain a physically active lifestyle.
  • Strive for a solid 8 to 10 hours of restful sleep per night.
  • Eat lots of garlic…fermented honey garlic is my absolute favorite!  Garlic is antioxidant-rich, nutrient-dense, antifungal and antibacterial!
  • Practice stress-reducing activities like walks in nature, daily teatime, or Praying The Hours.


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Where do your weaknesses lie in proactive healthcare? Pick three proactive healthcare tips and apply them.



*This post may include affiliate links. Thank you for supporting The Peaceful Haven!

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. essential oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of essential oils.

Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. There is clearly a bunch to learn about this! Thank you!

    1. There really is, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

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