The Bible is filled with verses about self-control and I may as well confess right now, I don’t really enjoy those verses very much. Alas, …
Teaching What Is Good
Teaching what is good is a noble endeavor, however, with so many opinions on what is good, bad, or even evil. It’s worth spending some time …
5 Ways To Thrive Emotionally
Part of living a healthy lifestyle is maintaining good emotional health. I have to be honest, emotional wellness is ever-changing and can be influenced by …
Simple Short Christian Book Reviews
Each month a discussion occurs over days at my house about which books are “WORTHY” to go on the list of Simple Short Christian Book …
The 5 Elements Of Christ-Centered Slow Living
I get so excited when I get to talk about one of the things I am most passionate about! The 5 Elements Of Christ-Centered Slow …
Parenting Biblically In A Post Christian Culture
Why in the name of heaven would Christian parents choose to embrace a parenting philosophy that is unbiblical? There are a plethora of reasons and …
Maxi Skirts And Grannies Are A Girls Best Friend
I recently went to my son’s Honors Award Ceremony at the college he attends as a Computer Science major. To say I was proud would …
10 Items That Make Hospitality Easier
I just love having people over to my home! I am an extrovert, however, I am an extrovert with chronic illnesses and that puts a …