So, I bank at a Christian Bank. Yes, you heard that right, an actual Christian Bank named Adelfi, well it’s actually a Credit Union. You …
Christ-Centered Slow Living Christmas To Do List
As the year, nears its end, you might need a rest and reset. The Christmas season is considered the most stressful time of the year …
3 Ways To Have A Peaceful Morning
OK, I have 6 kids, two dogs, three cats, and a whole flock of chickens. A husband, I homeschool, one of my children is autistic, …
Gently Unclutter Your Soul
It may appear that most of the work involved in pursuing Christ-Centered Slow Living is external. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Gently …
3 Things That Helped My Seasonal Affective Disorder
Around October of every year, the dread of Winter starts to creep up on me. Not because I dislike snow but because my Seasonal Affective …
3 Family Routines That Restore Calm
OK, let’s talk about the sometimes crazy moments of motherhood where things explode into chaos. As a mom of six, I have been in that …
The Spiritual Discipline of Simplicity
There is a backlash of sorts going on around the world against greed and excess. The simple living or slow living movement has come out …
Instilling Purpose In Your Kids
Instilling Purpose In Your Kids…I am thrilled to have Destry Wilborn founder of Men of Purpose as a guest today on The Peaceful Haven discussing …