I have been making dry and wet potpourri for many, many years. Just how many years you will not get me to divulge here… Since one …
The Easiest Flowers And Herbs For Container Gardens
The easiest flowers and herbs for container gardens. Simple and easy, aren’t those nice words? Doubly nice when we are talking about gardening. Container gardening or pot …
10 Spring Gardening Tips
Gardening is one of my most enjoyable activities. It is beneficial in so many ways that it is hard to keep count. I garden just …
Why Gardening Is The Ultimate Mind Body Spirit Workout
It’s no secret I love to garden and it’s also no secret that I hate to exercise. I understand that hate is a strong word. …
20 Vegetables To Direct Seed
There are two ways to start seeds. You can either start them inside or you can direct seed them into the soil. I like to …