I get a lot of questions at The Peaceful Haven about essential oils…and I love that! I answer every email and comment submitted and I …
How To
How Do You Use Essential Oils?
How Do You Use Essential Oils? You don’t need a degree in chemistry or extensive training to know how to use essential oils effectively. With …
The Perfect Egg
This could end up being one of my most controversial posts ever! We will be discussing The Perfect Egg today and things could get a …
Creamy Homemade Yogurt
There are a lot of considerations when making creamy homemade yogurt… Raw milk, organic, low pasteurized or regular, skim or whole milk? The choices you …
How To Make Your Own Natural Perfume
I have been making my own homemade perfume from essential oils for well over ten years! Today, I am so excited to share the process …
How to Save Money Using Rit Dye
Yes, you heard right! Today, I am going to teach you how to save loads of money using one small container of Rit Dye. I …
How Siblings Become Best Friends
I would guess that all parents want their children to become each other’s best friends. The question is how do siblings become best friends? I …
How To Make The Perfect Pot of Herbal Tea
Have you ever wondered, how to make the PERFECT pot of herbal tea? The British have taken tea making to a new level and it …