It’s so important to get the kids as well as yourself away from the use of technology! I’ll just come out and say it, the …
Mama, Are You Longing For A Silent Night?
Are you longing for a Silent Night? Calm and bright? How about sleeping in heavenly peace? I believe this to be the longing of every …
Christ-Centered Christmas Crafts For Kids
It’s a family tradition to take the whole month of December off of homeschool and most activities and focus on preparing our hearts for Christmas. …
Creating A Rainy Day Bag
Creating a Rainy Day Bag! I am thrilled to have Betsy from Gathering Around on The Peaceful Haven today! Betsy hails from Tennessee and is …
3 Charming Christian Easter Crafts For Kids
I want to proclaim, right here right now, that Easter is this mom of six’s favorite holiday! If you are looking for ways to focus …
Instilling Purpose In Your Kids
Instilling Purpose In Your Kids…I am thrilled to have Destry Wilborn founder of Men of Purpose as a guest today on The Peaceful Haven discussing …
Are You Raising Boys Or Men?
Parenting children is an absolute delight! My husband and I are the parents of six grown children, I am so thankful I was able to …
Summer Fun Kids Crafts And Literature
I am delighted to share 5 Summer Fun Kids Crafts and Literature! Your kids are going to love these fun and educational crafts and you …