It’s so important to get the kids as well as yourself away from the use of technology! I’ll just come out and say it, the …
Dig A Hole To China
Reminiscing about bygone Summers makes me laugh. Six kids will do that to you and from time to time you find yourself spontaneously combusting into laughter. …
5 Signs Your Body Needs To Detox
It seems like “doing a detox” is highly fashionable these days. I suppose I am a skeptic by nature, so basically, anything that “everyone” is …
Pray Your Laundry Away
Let me start with the facts. I have lots of laundry. As a mom of six with five cats and a dog, I spend a …
Christ Centered Valentine’s Day Books For Kids
I’m so thankful for the winter holidays! It can get a bit dark and dreary here in Ohio, which is why, I love Christmas, Valentine’s …
Do Your Children Feel Secure?
Motherhood or parenting at large is primarily about forming bonded relationships. The nurturing relationship between a mother and child is the foundation for all other …
Mama, Are You Longing For A Silent Night?
Are you longing for a Silent Night? Calm and bright? How about sleeping in heavenly peace? I believe this to be the longing of every …
The Holiday Etiquette Handbook
The Holiday Etiquette Handbook – Where do good manners come from? How do they appear in a culture? What is the basis of a culture’s …