I would credit prayer as the key to a successful marriage. I will have been married for 32 years next week and wedding anniversaries cause …
Why Christians Must Take A Stand On Fast Fashion
My first introduction to “Fast Fashion” wasn’t at the shopping mall, it was while I was participating in mission work in Latin America. One of …
When Things Do Not Go As Planned
It seems like very few things in life happen the way you think they are going to occur. When Things Do Not Go As Planned, …
The Forgotten Children of Autism…Siblings
Autism siblings, now there is a group of people you rarely hear about. They are the forgotten Children of Autism. If you have been reading …
How To Make Decisions Biblically
I recently found myself googling “How to make decisions Biblically”. My husband and I have been praying for two weeks about a decision we needed …
The Power of A Praying Parent
Prayer is the foundation of all other parenting skills. The power of a praying parent is unfathomable. As a mother of 6 children, I know …
3 Scriptures To Pray For Your Kids This School Year
Do you need help? Are you worried about your child? Are you concerned about the school, academics, or friends of your children? Then let’s be …
Praying The Promises Of The Cross
I am so excited to welcome Arabah Joy to The Peaceful Haven today. I am even more excited to be writing for Praying the Promises …