As hard as we may try to imagine it away, the church throughout its existence has always been influenced by the culture it resides in …
16 Things the Bible Says Kids Need
There are a whole lot of OPINIONS out there on what kids need, but they are just that, opinions. The truth is that if we …
Proverbs 9:10 FREE Printable
Hi, Friends, Here is a beautiful FREE Printable of Proverbs 9:10. This verse has been one of my life verses reminding me that in order for …
Apply Philippians 2:3 And Change Your Marriage
Apply Philippians 2:3 And Change Your Marriage – Yep, you heard me right this one verse will change you and your marriage! A few weeks …
Be Still And Know That I AM God
What would your life look like if you obeyed the command to “BE STILL, and know that I am God.”? Better yet, what would …
26 Bible Verses For When You Are Afraid
Fear is a part of life. I thought it would be helpful for me and for you to have 26 Bible Verses For When You …
Feeling The Presence Of God
Feeling the presence of God is not some mystical experience reserved only for the most religious people. We don’t need to lock ourselves away in …
Which Church Do You Attend?
Which church do you attend? That was the question that entered my mind last Sunday. I have no idea why I was thinking about …