Organize Your Clothes And Closet, organizing clothes can bring a cold sweat to any brow but it doesn’t have to be that way. Breaking tasks …
Organize Your Command Center The Smart Way
Command Centers can be located anywhere and include various elements. As you can tell, my command center is on the side of my refrigerator. Command centers …
Are You Distracted?
Are you distracted? I have lately felt that I have acquired adult-onset Attention Deficit Disorder…I find myself fighting being distracted on a daily basis! As …
Social Media and Teens
I am thrilled to have my son Andrew as a guest author on my blog today sharing with us about Social Media and Teens! Andrew …
The Simplified Family Lenten Plan
Let me be frank, 40 days is a long time for a family to stay focused. If I am honest, it is a long time …
Money Saving Homemade Laundry Detergent
I feel as if I have spent a LARGE portion of my life doing laundry! 6 kids plus my husband and I can generate an ENORMOUS …
20 Frugal Ways To Organize Your Entryway
Everyone has a different entryway to their home or apartment. We actually have three entryways in our 1903 farmhouse. The front door, which leads into …
Are You Too Busy?
Are you too busy? Busy seems to be a way of life. What do we give up when we live that way? For the record, …