The author shares a personal journey towards Christ-Centered Slow Living, emphasizing the importance of a slower pace for spiritual and physical well-being. After experiencing chronic illness, the author adopted practices to reduce busyness, offering nine simple methods to cultivate mindfulness and connection with God, encouraging others to actively seek moments of tranquility.
The Healing Power Of No Tech Sabbath Rest
I am experimenting with different variables of our family’s weekly Sabbath. I have removed all technology from my Sabbath. (Admittedly, I am the only one …
11 Ways To Save Money This Week
The government keeps saying that the inflation rate is low. However, when I go to the grocery store inflation seems high. Anyone else? I understand …
5 Easy Ways To Serve God Today
When we make space in our lives to pause and think about all that God has done for us, it is natural to want to …
The Benefits of Christian Meditation
The benefits of Christian Meditation are rich in soul-healing grace. Meditation is an ancient practice that is also a Christian Spiritual Discipline. It is a …
Grandma’s Homemaker’s Creed
Being a homemaker is the best career I have ever had! No other career carries the most potential for good, creativity, and improving the lives …
Beginners Guide To Companion Planting
Oh, how I love to be in the garden! I have 400 square feet of vegetable beds and even more flower borders. I have gardened …
What Christ-Centered Slow Living Is NOT
I am thankful that so many of God’s children are becoming interested in Christ-Centered Slow Living. It’s lovely to be a part of God’s plan …