It’s so important to get the kids as well as yourself away from the use of technology! I’ll just come out and say it, the …
slow living
Dig A Hole To China
Reminiscing about bygone Summers makes me laugh. Six kids will do that to you and from time to time you find yourself spontaneously combusting into laughter. …
5 Signs Your Body Needs To Detox
It seems like “doing a detox” is highly fashionable these days. I suppose I am a skeptic by nature, so basically, anything that “everyone” is …
5 Steps To A “Stress Less” Christmas
Do you dream of a “Stress Less” Christmas? I know I do! There are some things in life you can not control. Family members’ health, …
3 Tips For A Peaceful Holiday With Adult Children
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year but let’s face it it can also be the most overwhelming too! Adult children coming back …
9 EASY Ways To Practice Christ-Centered Slow Living Today
The author shares a personal journey towards Christ-Centered Slow Living, emphasizing the importance of a slower pace for spiritual and physical well-being. After experiencing chronic illness, the author adopted practices to reduce busyness, offering nine simple methods to cultivate mindfulness and connection with God, encouraging others to actively seek moments of tranquility.
10 Frugal Decorating Tips
30 years of homemaking has made me passionate about frugality and home decor, I present to you my 10 Frugal Decorating Tips! As a stay-at-home mother of …
The Spiritual Discipline of Simplicity
There is a backlash of sorts going on around the world against greed and excess. The simple living or slow living movement has come out …