The Biblical Principle of Rest…It can be easy to take on too much. As my responsibilities stack up, I often feel pride kick in and tell me that I can do anything. Of course, I soon discover that I could not. 

Life moves and changes around us constantly. As a senior in college, I feel like my life has been a relentless current, pulling me through school, jobs, and relationships—it never seems to stop moving. This tortuous river of responsibilities does not do me the favor of slowing as it throws me around bends and into rapids. I often find it difficult just to keep my head above water as I move through life. I quickly forget to even think about rest.  

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that adults need seven or more hours of sleep a night. I often think that I am the exception to this rule; that enough coffee can get me through anything. But after a few days of ignoring this advice, it becomes clear that I, like everyone else, need rest. My mind and body yearn for it. I start taking micro-naps every time I close my eyes. And health professionals are not the only ones who stress the importance of rest. 

God sets the example for rest in the first book of the Bible. He rests after six days of creating the earth. Additionally, variations of the word rest are used 380 times in the King James Version of the Bible. God recognizes our need to slow down. However, we often ignore the call for rest, both the example of God and the signs from our bodies. 

And on the seventh day God ended his work

which he had made;

and he rested on the seventh day

from all his work which he had made.

Genesis 2:2


I have always been tempted to take on more than I can handle and I can testify that that does not end well. In my junior year of high school, I remember stressing over a geometry test and having a full-on breakdown when my mind blanked as soon as I looked at the first question. I walked outside, barefoot, in the middle of an Ohio January, and cried. I look back at that moment now and wonder how I could have gotten so worked up about such a small thing. But even now, I do the same thing at school in Florida (of course without the snow). I try to take things into my own hands rather than trust God. I lose my rest, and I lose my peace—two important, wonderful gifts God has given me. 

But this summer, I was forced to rest and trust God rather than myself. I had to give up an internship due to poor planning on my part. I struggled to find a job. My beloved 2001 Jeep Cherokee broke down. I had to deal with unexpected health problems. I was worried, stressed—completely untrusting. 

I still had another year of school. How would I get there without a car? How would I have money for it without a job? What would I do if my health got worse?

I kept wondering what I could do.  I didn’t realize that it wasn’t about what I could do; it was about what God would do. And God provided a way for everything to work out beyond my expectations. Thanks to Mrs. Esker, I’m able to write for The Peaceful Haven for my internship, and the call to Christ-Centerd Slow Living has already rebuked and blessed me. I was able to work renovating houses for a friend’s family business on days when my health allowed me to work. I was recommended an excellent medical specialist close to school. And my mom bought a new car to let me use her old one. God used this summer to show me to trust in him. But most importantly, God used this summer to remind me of the importance of rest, for the mind, heart, and body. 

As I wasn’t working the twelve-hour shifts of the previous summer, I had time to relax and let my body heal itself. I finally fit the CDC’s expectation of sleep. I was able to spend more time with God both personally and in prayer groups. I had time for two of my favorite hobbies—reading and painting. I even befriended a stray cat and got to take care of her and her kittens (two litters in one summer!). I also got to spend more time with friends and family and to be reminded of the many blessings God has given to me. 

This summer did not go as I had planned, but God had a perfect plan to show Himself to me and to allow me to rest and refocus on Him. In an Interpersonal Relationships lecture, my teacher claimed that he did not like the phrase “searching for God’s will.” He asked the class why this might be. One of my friends sitting in the next row raised his hand and said, “Because we don’t need to struggle to find God’s will; it’s laid out in Scripture.” The teacher nodded and continued to say that God’s will is for us to maintain a relationship with Him. God’s specific plan for us will be accomplished if we walk daily with Him. Often when we are struggling to find our path in life, it is because we are not walking with God.



The Biblical Principle Of Rest



Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him,

and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6


The nineteenth chapter of 1 Kings includes the story of Elijah, a prophet who had witnessed great miracles of God, such as the fire from heaven which consumed the sacrifice on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-45). Despite the ways God had provided for him, Elijah was terrified when he heard Queen Jezebel’s plan to kill him. I suppose I would have been pretty worried too. Elijah ran into the wilderness and asked God to end his life (v. 4). That was the only plan Elijah could think of, but God had a much better plan. He sent an angel to tell Elijah to eat and to rest. This rest provided Elijah the strength to continue for forty days and nights (v. 8). 


And the angel of the Lord

came again the second time,

and touched him, and said,

Arise and eat; because

the journey is too great for thee.

1 Kings 19:7

Elijah tried to take control of his life by running away. He was exhausted and fearful and did not even want to continue living. But God’s plan was not for Elijah to struggle and to try to escape his problems by his own strength. God’s plan was for Elijah to rest and to trust in Him. And when Elijah did this, he was better able to serve the Lord.
God’s plan for me this summer was to rest. I resisted this, thinking that I needed to take control and do, do, do. But like a hyperactive child, I felt the hands of my Father around me and heard His voice telling me to slow down. This summer, God used His gift of rest to both heal me physically and encourage me spiritually.


But they that wait upon the LORD

shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as eagles;

they shall run, and not be weary;

and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


Ultimately, rest is found in our loving Savior, Jesus.  No more guilt, shame, or striving to be something you are not created to be.  Beloved, rest in His beautiful forgiveness.  Rest in his salvation…



Comment below, How do you ensure you get the rest you need?


*This post is written by the talented Lauren Jacques.  She is a Senior at a small college in Sunny Florida where she is finishing a degree in Professional Writing. Lauren is currently an intern with The Peaceful Haven.

Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. Loved Lauren’s first article. Thanks so much for this, a great topic!

    1. It is a critically important topic for our age! So thankful for this post!

  2. Thank you Lauren for allowing God to work in you this summer and then allowing Him to have you write this. You are a blessing to me! Only God knows what we need and when, I need to stop kicking at what he has for me. I am writing this at a time of darkness in my apartment because I thought electric was paid for. God has been preparing my heart and this tops it off. Only God can do these things and work all things together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His Purpose.
    Love you Sweetheart 😘

    1. Lauren is amazing, isn’t she!?! I’m so thankful for her!

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