Around 2:00 every afternoon I start to feel overwhelmed and tired.  Sometimes a headache accompanies this fatigue. I have learned to absorb rest into my day with the ritual of afternoon tea (with a snack of course).  Incorporating prayer, creating something, or participating in  Christ-centered meditation has transformed me.  I am so thankful for the healing power of rest in my life!

The healing power of rest directly opposes American values and norms.  I am so thankful for God’s Word and Christ’s life, which clearly shows us the truth.  Being constantly busy is not a Christian value.  As disciples of Christ, we are called to emulate Jesus in all areas of his life, which quite frankly are usually counter-culture, including how he rested.   I know this seems daunting, however, on my journey, it has been incredibly freeing! 

One caveat I would like to add is, that while God commands us to rest He also commands us to work.  Work and rest are not competing factors they are components of a rich Christ-Centered life. 


The world says things like…

  • You are important if you are busy.
  • The need to accumulate and possess things is why we are here.
  • The draining treadmill is the only way to succeed.


The Bible says things like…


Christ Centered Slow Living




The Rest Manifesto – The Healing Power of Rest

(10 new rules to help you reclaim your right to relax)

by Courtney Carver  and I have tweaked a few things to make sure it is Biblically accurate


1. Thou shalt read a good book or listen to restful music and enjoy a cup of tea before checking email or social media.

2. Thou shalt take a nap or a bath long before there is a checkmark next to every single thing on the to-do list.

3. Thou shalt not wait for the weekend to rest or for a vacation to relax.

4. Thou shalt not apologize for resting.

5. Thou shalt go for a walk before finishing the dishes or cleaning up the house.

6. Thou shalt ease through hard days instead of pushing through them.

7. When people tell you, “No pain, no gain” or “I’m so busy” or “I can sleep when I’m dead,” thou shalt tell people to simply smile and share The Rest Manifesto.

8. Thou shalt use free time to be free and not to catch up (and there shalt be no worry about catching up after rest).

9. Thou shalt not compare busyness, understanding that it only glorifies the thing that is tearing us down and wearing us out.

10. Thou shalt claim your rest as a right, not a reward.


Ultimately, rest is found in our loving Savior, Jesus.  No more guilt, shame, or striving to be something you are not created to be.  Beloved, rest in His beautiful forgiveness.  Rest in his salvation…


If you want more information on Christ-Centered Slow Living, click HERE!


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What do you think about the healing power of rest?


Peacefully Yours, 


Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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