Welcome Summer!

Welcome to the lay days of Summer!  Drink lots of lemonade, go on a picnic, pick flowers, let the kids play outside all day long, read a good book.  How do you fill your summer days?  As a homemaker, my days look very much the same year-round.  Daily rhythms are consistent no matter the time the weather.  But seasonal living is a gift from God, where we get to change things up a bit!

In the summer, I choose to hang my wash outside to dry, I bake and eat summer delights from the garden, I am outside more, play more, read more, visit more!  It is my hope that you are able to engage in Christ-Centered Summer Slow Living to the fullest and in this special summer issue is some help!

Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or lemonade and go outside to read this encouraging issue!





Summer Magazine

The Simple Pleasures Of Summer

5 Elements Of The Christ-Centered Slow Living Summer Plan

Gluten-Free Cherry Cobbler

Summer Reading Lists For Kindergarten To 12th Grade

The BEST Frugal Family Travel Tips

Summer Garden “TO DO” List

Gluten-Free Blueberry Buckle Coffee Cake

The Biblical Principle Of Rest

Summer Fun Kids Crafts And Literature

How To Make Honey Berry Jam

The Scents of Summer Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

50 Screen-Free Summer Activities For Kids

How To Make Homemade Potpourri

10 Simple Flower Arranging Tips

The Peaceful Haven